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  • Given that teslas have notoriously bad tolerances, like gaps on the order of millimeters, ya might want to fix the cause of that first lol.

    This is how "entrepreneurs" "innovate". They just say they want something and everybody else tries to work around the roadblocks the CEO probably put in place that make achieving the goal way harder than necessary.

  • I used to work for a company that made stamping dies for aluminum cans, and some of those dies had tolerances close to .0004", because the aluminum is very thin and could crack and tear if the dies were not made precisely. The cans themselves are not that precise, they just need to hold beer without exploding. I can't speak to Legos, but cars absolutely do not need this kind of precision, not even in the bearings. And especially not in the sheet metal body panels.

  • Listen everyone: just make the parts perfect. All of them. You know how it hasn't been perfect so far? Yeah that sucks, do it perfectly instead.

  • It really does take a genius and visionary to sit back and say "Hey, guys, let's make this, but with as small an error as I can imagine. Don't like, assess how precise stuff needs to be or consider any of that. Just make it all like really, unreasonably well, okay?"

    I'm sure the engineers are blown away by that big mind, what a privilege. It reads like an excuse to blame the engineers when the truck inevitably sucks because they didn't follow his perfect design.

    • He's known for flipping the fuck out on anyone at anytime for any reason. I worked with a number of people who came from Tesla and they had endless horror stories about him. Basically you just pray never to run into him and if you do, try your best not to get noticed or you might end up losing your job that day just because he likes to instill fear and make himself feel big by firing people for any or no real reason.

    • Yeah I hate those fake appeals to "genius". To the extent that someone like Musk provides "guidance" at all, it is to merely hop on his email and say some Captain Obvious shit to thousands of people who are too busy doing real work to read that shit.

      Bourgeois apologists always deny the theft of surplus values from the workers and insist that profit is merely the boss's "wages" for his "unique labor" of "training, guidance, and planning".

      But most of the actual training, guidance, and planning is not done by the actual owners, but by managers, who are employees that are paid a high salary, but are not usually board members or share holders or other bourgeoisie who live primarily off of surplus value.

  • I like how he explains what a micron is as if the people who actually build things at Tesla don't know

    and honestly a little jankiness will just contribute to the PS1 aesthetic, he should want to lean into it for meme marketing purposes