Firefighters union declines to endorse a presidential candidate
Firefighters union declines to endorse a presidential candidate

The decision is a blow to Democrats, since the International Association of Fire Fighters endorsed Biden in 2020.

Firefighters union declines to endorse a presidential candidate
The decision is a blow to Democrats, since the International Association of Fire Fighters endorsed Biden in 2020.
He added that the board "determined that we are better able to advocate for our members and make progress on the issues that matter to them if we, as a union, are standing shoulder-to-shoulder.
Well, if Trump does it, I want to hear nothing from them then and expect them to checks notes … "stand shoulder-to-shoulder" and don't wail.
We lionise fire fighters because they're not cops, but inevitably some are still arseholes
A fire fighter never kicked down my door looking for fire
That actually literally happened to my mom. Went months with a front door that wouldn't latch because they refused to repair it after the fact.
Long story short, building got struck by lightning and one of the units caught fire. Everyone evacuated. Billy Badass firefighter than proceeds to kick down my mom's door after she's already evacuated to make sure that the unit was unoccupied and that the fire hadn't spread. Her unit was on the for end of the building from the lightning strike and fire.
I know lots of firefighters, and most of them are authoritarian adrenaline junkies.
Or, rather, "trying to start a fire" would be a better analogy for cops
Is it sexism? It's sexism isn't it.
Based union. Never endorse a party of Capital.
Why any union would endorse a politician is perplexing. Do you really think any of the pond scum in [insert any capital here] give a fuck about the working class?
Look at whats happening in Australia right now under the most pro union government in the world. Those fire fighters should be endorsing fire bombing these criminals homes.