POV: Deanna Troi's heart
POV: Deanna Troi's heart
POV: Deanna Troi's heart
That episode had an interesting premise but I hated the interactions between Will and Thomas.
The nerve of cmd. Riker using his rank to bully Thomas.
And in the end, Will is like: "I have all our stuff, but here, I'll give you one item. Have a nice life."
It was absurd.
Yeah, if I was in the same situation we'd divvy our stuff up between us. I wouldn't want other me to be unhappy, they'd be my closest family after all!
It’s bullshit that Tom didn’t immediately get promoted to lieutenant commander; Will got his rank bump for that mission; Tom deserved it just as much, if not more.
The characters seem to act enlightened until something personally impacts them, unless it's one that starts off with issues. Maybe they just had poor counciling sessions.
It's been a long time since I watched this one. Do they explain why Thomas has a beard?
Do they explain why a hirsute adult man who’s been living alone for nearly a decade has a beard?
Why a man whose counterpart grew a beard recently in comparison has also done the same in very different circumstances.
Sheesh Frakes, there was no barber on staff to help you line up that beard better?
This is the ep that made me really dislike Riker.