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  • Both. There is a study by Armin Falk and Nora Szech (2013) that experimentally shows that markets can erode moral behavior, as participants were more likely to not save a mouse's life for money in market settings. This generally extends to the erosion of morality for monetary gain in market systems. Additionally, psychological research indicates that wealthy, successful individuals often score higher on traits associated with the "dark triad" of personality, i.e. narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, which supports the idea that selection plays a role as well.

  • Getting money activates the reward process in the brain.

    Everyone handles that differently based on their life experience and current situation.

    If you're asking If money drives the moral compass that's highly individual.

  • I say neither. Plenty of decent people find ways to make good money without selling themselves to the devil. Personal injury lawyers are a great example, they are real-life Robin Hoods.

    • I hope you realize personal injury lawyers work for rich people too. Those settlements drive up insurance costs for everybody. I think that’s a pretty bad example of decent people making money.

      • Most of the ones who make money at it work for themselves, solo or with partners.

        You'd be driving an exploding car and wearing a shirt made of asbestos if it weren't for personal injury lawyers. You're welcome.