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  • Things will continue on as normal, gradually worsening, until life is no longer worth living. Sure, what people are hysterical about won't change your daily routine tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month, but many negative things are glaciers, slowly and inexorably moving forward and you are utterly powerless to stop it. Climate change, worsening inequality and wealth gap, and the rise of fascism are things we should be hysterical about. But instead, we'll just sit around, complaining about people freaking out, until it's too late.

  • It's not like everybody woke up one day and "ah shit, everything's fucked! How the hell did that happen. This is unprecedented!" The scale and tools might be new, but that's about it.

    The problem is that "continue on as normal" basically means to continually get progressively worse. Greed and oppression will increase. Division and bigotry will keep growing. Science and logic will be ignored or manipulated by those seeking power. This will ultimately culminate in some sort of horrifically deadly breaking point. Then we reset a little bit and start the cycle all over again and again until the humans go extinct.

    I know that this is an incredibly pessimistic take, but that's my view of current events.

  • Hysteria? Most of what I'm seeing is denial about climate change, about the worsening political climate, and about the growing inequality

  • Aside from climate, which IS FUBAR (fucked up beyond all reason), things will continue as they do. Life has survived previous extinction events, but it certainly changed between them (after millions of years of recovery and evolution)