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Best App Launcher on Linux

Looking for a good app launcher for Linux. Currently looking for something for Arch and I see there's a lot of options liks rofi and wofi. What are your favourite app launchers and why?

  • I just use whatever is included with the desktop environment. On KDE and GNOME launching an application involves pressing the Super ("Windows") key, typing the first couple of letters of the application I want to launch and pressing the return key.

    I might be missing something here but I don't know how other launchers could possibly make this a simpler process.

    • I might be missing something here but I don’t know how other launchers could possibly make this a simpler process.

      Shortcuts to launch an app directly in example. So my keyboard becomes my launcher.

      I use bunch of different tools, including KRunner (on KDE) and previously Rofi. These type name and search tools for launching an app have the problem that you need to remember what name the tool was. For programs I use often this is not an issue, but not all applications have names good to remember and not all of them are used often. The associated description helps, but sometimes I don't know what words to type.

      Therefore I "need" the app menu with categories and favorites, to navigate with the mouse through. And the most used applications are usually assigned to a shortcut and my panel on the top. In short I use mostly all of these techniques as an application launcher (in that order):

      1. favorites on panel and my keyboard shortcuts
      2. app menu with categories, navigating with mouse
      3. run tool to search for app name and description (also integrated into the app menu)
      4. additional helper scripts to search and launch programs in the terminal

      Edit: Forgot to mention that some of the launchers I use are custom made scripts for the terminal.

  • I use rofi as my app launcher and more. I've share my old script here.

    I have now extended this script to support the following:

    • execute a command if the input text belongs to /bin or /usr/local/bin
    • do some basic maths (using menu-calc)
    • open url in my web browser if the input text starts starts with http(s) or ends with .xxx (where x is any letter)
    • translate the input text in English/French using the deepl website if the input text starts with dpen/dpfr
    • search the input text with searx (if all the above failed)
    • manage my web bookmarks (using buku)
    • manage my clipboard (using copyq)
    • manage my passwords and autofill fields (using pass)
    • manage bluetooth devices
    • manage audio sinks and sources
    • manage my wifi and vpn
    • manage my tmux sessions
  • bemenu. Type stuff in popup, press enter, no confettis thrown on your face.

  • I like fuzzel, had a few issues with dpi scaling on wofi out of the box.

    Easy to integrate clipboard/window select/dmenu binds and a way to distinguish indexed entries from straight text was a plus.

    Honestly unless you're going out of the box to something new (Walker and anyrun caught my eye) dmenu has had everything I needed for years... But I don't want to set it up again. Not again.

  • dmenu is iconic for a reason, although manually patching it to meet your preferences is a bit too much of a project for people who just want something to work. not wanting to learn C is valid.

  • Very comfortable with Rofi. It's especially nice in a window manager as it also works as a switcher or shortcut to your open programs.

  • I use fzf with a popup terminal:

    # example for i3
    bindsym $mod+Return exec --no-startup-id kitty -T _menu_ -e bash -c 'ls $HOME/.local/bin/ | fzf | xargs -r -I{} i3-msg -t command exec $HOME/.local/bin/{}'
    for_window [title="_menu_"] floating enable
    for_window [title="_menu_"] resize set 600 800

    I like this approach because it's simple and configurable. I prefer to see only the symlinks/scripts that I put in my local bin folder, but it can easily be extended to support .desktop files, multiple folders, filtering, etc.

    • I like these self made scripts. Some ideas to improve this: a) instead ls, use find command if you want use its output as input in another program (will yield fullpath too), b) fzf has a preview functionality, which I like a lot to use when it comes to directories or script files. As for the run command, I'm not sure why you use xargs and what i3-msg is needed for. Here is an alternative way.

      (Edit: I always forget that beehaw will convert my ampersand to &. Have this in mind if you read the below code.)

      bash -c 'cd "${HOME}/.local/bin"; path="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -printf "%f\n" | fzf --preview "cat {}")" && "${path}"'

      below same command in a bit more readable standalone script:

      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      cd "${HOME}/.local/bin" || exit 1
      path="$( \
          find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -printf "%f\n" | \
          fzf --preview "cat {}" \
      )" && "${path}"

      The biggest problem with fzf is, that scripts that need an argument are not covered here. One could either use the input string from fzf as arguments or like that, or an optional input after fzf selection.

      • Ah nice! Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah --preview is a great feature that is good to remember.

        And true, it's better to use find -executable than ls. Although in my case I would use -type f -o -type l since I want to include symlinks (often I will cd into my local bin folder and ln -s $(which ) to add it to my launcher). I'm using ls since I only put executables in there and using relative file paths so that it's nicer to look at. But cd or sed would work as well

        Yeah the xargs + i3-msg part is a bit clunky but I'm not sure what else to do, since the terminal window needs to close immediately, which prevents the application from running. I tried a few variations with nohup and launching in the background, but haven't found another solution. But I'm sure there's a way

  • @gwilikers dmenu is suckles app launcher. it's super minimalistic and can be used for choosing things with other things as well, for example passmenu

  • I like rofi because of how many different modes people have made for it, e.g. rofi-calc, and the customisability is great too. Unfortunately it can be slow to start, but if speed is of utmost importance to you and you're on Wayland, you might want to look into tofi