It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
Canonically literally every Space Marine (except for the Blood Angels IIRC) should have dark skin when exposed to sunlight and then (except for the Salamanders) flash to an unnatural pallor when they step inside, because one of the mutations they get is photochromic skin to protect them from getting sunburns while still ensuring they get enough vitamin D. That sounds incredibly stupid and like I just made it up but that is the actual canon from the lore, along with Space Marines eating their enemies brains to gain their knowledge and having acid spit like the xenomorph.
Warhammer 40K is a very silly franchise and the art direction does it a disservice by not leaning into it more.
Back during the Rogue Trader and 2nd edition days was when it was absolutely obvious
Noise marines killing dudes by rocking out
Harlequins dancing around in clashing loud colors
Also the Emperor is from somewhere in what is now Turkey and canonically the most common language the humans speak ("Gothic") is descended from Mandarin and is just artistically portrayed as being Latin based because "High Gothic" is supposed to scan as archaic in the way that inserting incorrect Latin into English does.
"improbably diverse", "improbable female authority figure".
Holy shit these nerds need to get a life.
38,000 years in the future and 1 million fuckin worlds and these dipshits are talking about "improbably diverse" lmao
If they go outside they'll be offended at how improbably diverse it is
One of their reviews was complaining that a NYC-set game had a majority of POC characters. NYC is 30% white IRL
I've seen them call GTA VI "forced diversity". Please explain how Latino characters in South Florida are forced.
It's a game series about big muscle guys fighting psychic fungus orks and there are spaceships powered by magic. But black people and women are the improbable parts
black and asian people exist
"Do they actually exist though"One of the xenos looks gay 0/10
RIP my bisexual lighting space elves
improbable female authority figure
female authority figure is Cadian
Cadia is (yes, Cadia still stands. fite me chaos nerds) a world where every human with a pulse and an age above 5 is handed a rifle and sent to boot camp because LITERAL HELL IS RIGHT THERE, JUST LOOK UP AT THE DAEMONS COMING TO GET YOU
Ultramarines are improbably diverse
Ultramar is literally Space Rome, a massive cosmopolitan space empire consisting of 500 worlds and trillions of people
I'm going to find this person and beat them with my worn-out copy of Know No Fear until they stop whining about the existence of women and black people long enough to have at least a cursory knowledge of the lore they're butchering.
Yeah, them being angry that a Cadian woman is calling shots shows how they don't know the lore.
I remember part from the book about Ursula Creed ("Creed: Ashes of Cadia"), which was sadly the only good part of that book, where some general during war council tried to use Ursarkar against Ursula "What would your daddy do" and she straight up responded: "My father commanded over the worst disaster in entire history of Cadia. Excuse me but i would prefer to win"
It's true that there were a pair of models of FSM back in ye olde Rogue Trader days (Female Warrior Gabs and Female Warrior Jayne), but they weren't in the first batch. The first space marine model was the metal LE2 Imperial Space Marine in '85 (or possibly '86), followed by the RTB01 plastic kit in Sept '87 which came out at the same time as Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader (aka 1st edition). Gabs and Jayne were metal models ordered individually from a miscellaneous "Adventurers" release in Spring '88.
Personally I don't think they sold like shit because they were women, either. I think they sold like shit because they look like complete shit. Even the best paint jobs on those two models still look awful.
Don't fuck with us reactionary 40k fans, we don't even understand the lore of the franchise we're gatekeeping
Little Icing on top. The Emperor most likely isnt "white" at least not blonde and blue eyed since he is originally from Anatolia (yes Turky)
Both have a massive body and tiny head when sitting upon their chairs of choice.
Gamers are pathetic lmao
Chuds in their infinite glory have become the very strawmen they built up leftists of being. Complete with obsessing over a game's politics rather than the gameplay, which they are supposed to care so much about.
the imperium is undeniably human supremacist but has no problem putting every gender into the meat grinder equally
like, this has always been the canon these fucks just want to think it's some tradcath space future
I fell into a rabbit hole and started watching Warhammer lore videos a few years ago and then something - I don't know exactly what, maybe tone of voice or word choices - made me fall into another rabbit hole of searching for the content creators + feminism to see if they had gone on some insane rant and so many of them had made a "very special video" on the subject.
anyone who is this obsessed with "woke" in video games needs to have their computer forcibly taken away and sent to a gulag and be forced to touch grass until they become normal
Vitiligo is woke
it just got too improbable, hate to see it.
Every time I think "hm, this could be fun," I remember what Warhammer fans can be like and immediately go back to "nah."
Too much money to play with the worst dredges of reactionary racist dorks. I'd rather enjoy my free time.
Anyone who's main army are Ultramarines is sus.
Tabletop wargames aren't just 40k. 40k is just the largest group. A lot of places will play historical games (like War of the Roses or Napoleonics), small indie games (Gaslands, Turnip28, Trench Crusade), established franchises with a cult following (Battletech, Warmachine, Frostgrave, Confrontation), or internet community projects (Wyrd Wars, Renegade Scout, One Page Rules).
So if you want to get into tabletop games, don't let 40k stop you. If you have friends who you play games with, you can always make forces for two players and play together like you would a boardgame or RPG.
Isn't there some lore about the emperor being different depending on who perceives him? Like something about how people will see him like how they'd imagine their perfect ruler to be?
That's a big thing in the Horus Heresy series. There's definitely a dude underneath it all, but he's so massively psychically powerful that he's got a permanent glamour effect that adjusts to each viewer's conceptions. The Mechanicum sees him as a scientist, the primarchs largely see him as a massive warrior, etc.
In his character novel Master of Mankind, Games Workshop pretty much gave us the closest confirmation of his original appearance as we're going to get from them, considering this description is told during his penultimate "Big Damn Hero" moment, where it's implied he's letting his mask slip
And in a sunless realm, the sun rose at last.
The light of dawn was palpable on Ra’s armour as well as his skin. It was a pressure, a presence with searing physicality. The enemy hordes felt it as acid on their skin. The creatures – daemons no matter what secular truths held strong – lost what little order they had ever possessed.
The Anathema! Ra heard their frantic agony as a sick scraping on the edges of his mind. The Anathema comes! The sun rises!
His features were those of one born in the wild lands of Ancient Eurasia. His skin was a Terran blend of bronze and burnt umber, His eyes darker still, His hair darkest of all. The long black fall of His hair was held by a simple circlet crown of metal leaves, binding the mane back from His face so He could fight. More practical than regal.
I wonder if his true form, while he was alive, was like Mr. House's true form from Fallout New Vegas.
Improbable female authority figure
Lmao tell me you are basement incel stereotype with zero actual people contact without telling me you are basement incel stereotype with zero actual people contact
The actual discussion forums for Space Marine 2 on Steam are really sad.
da red gobbo approves
We're not safe anywhere
The default face for the vanguard class looks a little like 50 Cent from Blood on the Sand if you squint at him, so he's actually a descendant of Fiddy in my head canon