Markdown everywhere
Markdown everywhere
Markdown everywhere
Whoever made Jira's markup syntax: Straight to jail.
The thing I dislike most about Atlassian products is that each of them has a completely different formatting engine and markup syntax. You'd think they'd be consistent but noooo
Atlassian doesn't even have consistency within single products! I'm using Jira Cloud at work, and while most fields support markdown (e.g. three backticks to start a code block) there are a few that only support Jira's own notation (e.g. {code}
to start a code block). It's always infuriating when I type some markdown in one of the fields that doesn't support it for some inexplicable reason.
The thing I dislike about Atlassian is everything from Atlassian
Jira Developers: for the love of god can we PLEASE stop trying to shoehorn literally fucking everything into our platform?
Jira PMs: slaps roof this bad boy can fit so much scope creep
Whoever made Jira
's markup syntax: Straight to jail.
Same for Google Chat
Code? .md files on GitHub
I've been having trouble getting syntax highlighting to work on my '```' fenced code blocks. I give it the right/supported language identifier, but nothing changes.
I'm using neovim with a bunch of lsp plugins and treesitter. Anyone have dotfiles with markdown code syntax highlighting working?
I'd go PostScript, since it's Turing-complete.
Discovering obsidian has been a blessing for my sanity and made me less lazy for taking notes.
Plus I can use latex to transform md into docx and there's decent pdf support so I don't need to play with the circus of WYSIWYG pain that's MS Word.
I have obsidian installed, but I haven't really looked into how to use it. It has been on my list of things I should probably learn for a long time now
Change Obsidian to Zettlr.
I think the use cases are different, as Zettlr seems like a pure publication tool but Obsidian (at least originally) was more of a personal note organizer that grew due to having community plugins.
I do agree though that Zettlr is a better publication tool, though I wouldn't change Obsidian for it as a personal organizer/kb.
Obsidian is what I used to keep my notes while playing Book of Hours. It was a fantastic tool and I'll definitely use it in the future!
Pandoc is also great!
Definitely, I said latex but I wanted to mean Pandoc.
The only thing is that applying a docx theme format to Pandoc was very challenging, although I would blame docx, not pandoc.
This is the way.
Almost completely pure way of storing ideas. With this I mean that you don't store unnecessary data such as "background should be white" or "left page margin is 1.3cm". It's just text. What's important is what it says + minimal markup.
Presentation is left to the reader's client. Do you want dark mode? Get a markdown editor/reader that supports it. Do you want serif font? Again, that's client's choice and not part of the document.
I wish browsers would support markdown out of the box, so you could open
Old fart warning!
Presentation is left to the reader's client. Do you want dark mode? Get a markdown editor/reader that supports it. Do you want serif font? Again, that's client's choice and not part of the document.
I remember when that is how the web worked. All that markup was to define the structure of the document and the client rendered it as set by the user.
Some clients were better than others. My favourite was the default browser in OS/2 Warp, which allowed me to easily set the display characteristics of every tag. The end result was that every site looked (approximately) the same, which made browsing so much nicer, in my opinion.
Then someone decided that website creation should be part of the desktop publishing class (at least at the school I taught at). The world (wide web) has never recovered.
It's a simple and elegant way of covering 95% of document structuring needs, while being as close to readable plaintext as possible.
The vast majority of documents currently written in MS-word could just be markdown. The vast majority of web content could just be markdown. This would save the modern world petabytes of XML bloat.
If you need something fancier, either use a vector format or do fancy client-side styling.
Markdown is good. I use it when working in the company since the format is ubiquitous. I do writing my blog posts with Markdown (Hugo for the curious).
But personally, or working with a bit more niche team, for writing personal documentation I prefer Asciidoc [0]. It has better syntax and have some nice functionalities like Table of Contents.
For personal notes, nothing can surpass Org Mode [1].
doesn't Markdown have a TOC function if you have at least 2 headings?
Unfortunately there's no way to have a generated TOC within the page itself. It's usually in a sidebar or something like that.
Yeah asciidoc is really cool, I wish it was better supported.
Same with asciimath (are they related? )
Obsidian, md all the way down
Hot take: Obsidian is King right now of note taking and I'm all for it
That's not a hot take. That's a damned gospel and I am singing baritone.
FOSS LogSeq or bust.
I want to like obsidian, but I find it to just be such a hideous UI. Any community themes cannot fix it. But to mention proprietary. I liked Logseq too, but it has the same problem just not as bad. People really need to not do custom UIs and should stick to native widgets with Material Me support.
What would prevent a price hike in the future?
A bit vary of investing in anything but free software based platforms at the moment.
Because the notes are in markdown, so are portable forever even if Obsidian went away.
I was looking for a journaling app that didn't have vendor locking, or required some weird export dump that messed your formatting and folders up. That lead me to Markdown and Obsidian. I love it. And when I die, that shit will still be readable by any basic text editor.
Wait until you learn about Org-mode.
I’m vaguely aware of Org-mode but only as an alternative to Markdown. Last time I looked into it, though (years ago), Markdown seemed like a much better option for me for various reasons. Do you have a good argument for why Org-mode is a better choice for common use cases than the relatively universal GitHub-flavored Markdown?
depending on what you do there are large benefits, for me they are executable code blocks (i.e. jupyter like experience) and way better latex support (if you type equations that are more involved this is rather important).
Org mode is great, particularly if you're already in the Emacs ecosystem because it can do a lot of stuff. Calendars, executable code blocks, spreadsheets, time tracking, org-roam for more ad-hoc notes and searching, capture templates for ingesting data...
I like org mode's markup format a lot better than markdown's. It's a bit easier to do complicated things with escaping and stuff, and it supports syntax highlighting for different languages in code blocks, and LaTeX markup and stuff (which it can even display inline if you want).
As far as I am concerned the only reason to use markdown is that more people are familiar with it and there's better support for it on certain platforms. These are certainly good enough reasons to use markdown, but in my experience if you're in the position to use org-mode it's just so much better.
Emacs gang here, coughing in org-mode.
Could we convert this meme to markdown?
Where is that footage from?
Parks and Recreation. Season 2, episode 5.
Parks & Recreation
ah beans, I'm late as shit replying...
.md files on
Eh, while Markdown is nice I think Dokuwiki's syntax is infinitively better for any kind of text that ends up involving programming code. It also has a header syntax that makes sense, albeit rather cumbersome. And it also makes a proper distinction between italics and underline which are two different, standard typographical effects and not the same thing as Markdown seems to believe; and between ordered and unordered lists (let alone nested lists).
Just about the only bad thing is I haven't been able to find an editor that supports it. Probably because, to my knowledge, no self-standing / independent renderer exists for it (the parser and renderer seem to be tightly integrated into the content manager).
Password manager? Hm...
Not markdown but same spirit:
AES encrypted by hand, and then… .md files on GitHub
Artisanally woven substitution-permutation networks.
Me but org-mode.
Isn't org-mode compatible with markdown?
Org-mode can be exported to many different languages (markdown, HTML, LaTeX) via org-export.
If you're asking whether org mode uses all the same syntax of markdown (which would make them 1:1 compatible) it does not.
For instance, "headline" in org mode is "*", whereas in markdown a top level heading is "#".
They'll find us soon
Thanos with Restructured Text and Sphinx
You mean
One of these days, someone is going to invent a confluence alternative that only supports markdown and doesn't have nay of confluences stupidity and it is going to EXPLODE and bankrupt Atlassian.
this is the way