Former President Donald Trump finds himself thrust back into the spotlight amidst resurfaced allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors. These accusations stem from a 2016 lawsuit filed by an anonymous plaintiff known as "Katie Johnson," alleging that Trump and the late Jeffrey Epstein engage...
He could Rape a 13 Year Old on 5th Avenue and I would STILL VOTE FOR HIM (because I want Trans Kids to Kill Themselves! And Mexicans!)! Pro Life! Save The Children!
Save the children *for Trump*! Stop the immigrants from JD Couch molester!
Trump for Aztec emperor of women's bodies and weirdo party couches! Let's go with the worst president by all metrics in all of US history! Why? Inbreeding! Who? All of us. The problem with kids these days is not enough huffing of leaded gasoline!
Snopes provides some good information about why the claim is suspicious, but there are also stories by Vox & MSM that go into more detail. Having proof Trump is a pedo obviously helps Democrats, but spreading misinformation because you want to believe it doesn't. Based on everything I've read I think it is a fake claim, but then again I still think Trump is terrible & would never vote for him.