What are your favorite leftist news sources?
What are your favorite leftist news sources?
Looking to compile a list of good leftist news sites and sources. Thank you.
What are your favorite leftist news sources?
Looking to compile a list of good leftist news sites and sources. Thank you.
So I've not visited some of these for a while, and I know some have issues (like swinging in to either liberal or tankie territory), so I'm not guaranteeing they're all perfect, but these are the news sites I have saved to my bookmarks:
Reality, for one.
These are some with RSS feeds. Some are news, most are deeper analyses.
http://www.democracynow.org https://mintpressnews.com https://consortiumnews.com https://diem25.org https://gabrielrockhill.com https://michael-hudson.com https://scheerpost.com https://thegrayzone.com https://therealnews.com https://thetricontinental.org https://tomdispatch.com https://wallstreetonparade.com https://www.counterpunch.org https://www.jeffsachs.org https://www.liberationnews.org https://www.nakedcapitalism.com https://www.normanfinkelstein.com https://www.propublica.org https://www.qiaocollective.com https://www.socialistalternative.org https://www.telesurenglish.net https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu
More than just a former Valve employee.
True story 🤣 PC Gamer, 2015: Valve's economist is Greece's new finance minister
Thanks so much!
Thank you
A "leftist news source" is not a news source, it is an opinion source, and thus not better than a "rightwing news source". How about finding something neutral that actually has the goal to inform?
And you, asking for neutrality:
Reminder that neutrality and compromise isn't always a good thing.
I'm not saying it can't be done, but getting a compromise from a debate is not a primary goal. For competitions, the goal is usually to demonstrate and practice debate skills and the topic and positions matter less. For more serious debates, it is meant to be a way to expose people to the strengths of your position's arguments and expose the weaknesses of your opponent's. It's valuable as an opportunity to persuade an audience of people who haven't been firmly entrenched in either position, or who may have only been exposed to one side's arguments in earnest.
The framework does presume both viewpoints are valid, since both sides are expected to believe in their position, be rational, and be reasonably well-informed. An invalid perspective would not be argued by someone meeting these criteria. It does not presume equality as that would be preemptively judging the quality of the argument. Either the debate platform or the other debater would presumably not agree to a debate with someone who cannot be expected to meet these criteria.
I never said anything like compromise. I prefer neutrality (as far as one can get it, but it is way easier in Europe). Why do you all think that anything that is not explicitly left biased is already compromised?
There are f-ups on both sides of the spectrum. This does not say both sides are equal - on the contrary, there is a shitload more f-up on the right side. But general whitewashing the left is also not OK.
I see the question differently.
I think OP is hoping to read the 21st century equivalent to Muck Rakers.
Long version:
A whole lot of improvement in American quality of life came about as a result of publications and journalists called Muck Rakers in the 19th and 20th centuries.
They didn't cover false stories. They simply covered stories that newspapers owned by capitalists tried to cover up. Things like, "physical abuse inside of Factory A" or, "employees at factory B reject union contract."
It's similar with r/antiwork. Most of America never realized why PopTarts were shipped with serious defects for a few months in late 2021. To most people, the quality declined out of nowhere, with no explanation.
And I don't think most people realized the real reason California's ports got congested. (It was a bill designed to protect gig workers -- it required shipping companies to pay truck drivers for the time they spent waiting for their trucks to be loaded (instead of just the time they spent driving)).
People didn't know because, even if current events directly impact everyone's lives, all it takes is a few corporations deciding, "you don't need to know about that" and access to the information through mainstream channels is shut off.
Everyone using r/antiwork knew though. They knew why there was a shipping crisis, and they knew why the glue that was supposed to seal the outside of the box of Cheez-its was now instead gluing the individual Cheez-its together.
News that wasn't considered, "newsworthy" outside of r/antiwork got intense coverage on that subreddit.
And yeah, the subreddit was certainly biased against those corporations. But biased or not, its users were more up-to-date on those events than anyone outside of the sub.
I don't think OP is asking for a leftist perspective on the same current events everyone else is covering. I think OP is asking for true, well-investigated stories that capitalists simply won't air on the major networks.
You know: Muck raking.
Okay so let’s rephrase the question:
Those if you who consider yourself leftists, what news sources do you follow?
Those if you who consider yourself leftists, what news sources do you follow?
I'm afraid that the real meaning was "Those if you who consider yourself leftists, what news sources bubbles do you follow?"
Neutrality in this case is a news source that doesn't have a editorial position that explicitly favors a certain political party, it is not splitting the two opinions down the middle and sticking to that as it is so often misrepresented.
A good news source will follow the following guidelines when reporting news.
1: Due impartiality , this is not the same as full impartiality where abhorrent points of view are given the same importance as valid points of view , DUE impartiality differs in that the news source will consider multiple VALID points of view to give the audience a closer representation of the truth.
2: Broad perspective , the news source will attempt to contact as many valid perspectives as they can from as broad of a cross section of society as is possible to represent the opinion of society as fairly as possible.
3: Editorial freedom , the news source can and will produce content for any subject as long as it is within the public interest to do so, this will involve scrutinizing arguments and questioning consensus to hold those in power over others in some way accountable for their actions.
4: Avoiding endorsements , the news source will take care not to endorse politicians or products , nor allow their content to be used in such a way without challenge.
5: Democratic values , the news source itself is not value free , but instead incorporates the core values of democracy and civil society into its editorial policy in place of partisan political values.
6: It will reflect the diversity of its audience , it will make an effort to continually be aware of the demographics that view it and produce a wide range of content to ensure that no group is either underrepresented not over represented.
7: Transparency, when reporting opinions of others that some people may find distasteful it will be made clear that these opinions belong to the person being interviewed or reported on and not to the news source that is only committed to reporting the truth.
Such a news source would be neutral , in that their only loyalty is to accurately reporting the news as it happens without spinning it to make anyone look any better or worse than they already are.
To me this falls more under the category of non profit independent news, primarily local news where all the corruption happens. Report for America, reportforamerica.org, assists these local newsrooms and has a spot on their site that you can search for sites local to you. These local papers are interesting because their individual sponsors are often influential people in your community who believe in democracy and are concerned about the power of corporate media. I just checked out our local online paper like this and see the same names that I recognize for people I know who support the arts.
I like The Majority Report, The Serf Times, Egberto Willies is good, Status Coup.
Here's some fave websites I like:
The Intercept,
World Socialist Website,
Socialist Alternative,
Its Going Down,
Common Dreams,
Lib Com,
Democracy Now,
Vox ,
Huff Post,
In These Times,
Dissent Magazine,
Labor Notes,
and the newest one I like is The Lever.
Jacobin is great. In the NL we have it too, but I wish we had a fully domestic news like that. Maybe I should start my own...
All very good sources. The Lever is a great new addition. David Sirota is a great fighter.
the majority report
I too like to listen to the political opinions of Fenton Mulley from Home Movies.
(To be clear, this isn't a dig at Sam Seder. I loved him in Home Movies and on The Majority Report)
Democracy Now. Really ought to watch more often.
The Majority Report. It's awesome. https://m.youtube.com/@TheMajorityReport
Some More News
The Hindu is sort-of centre-left
In Malayalam(main language of Kerala), there's:
They were founded by leftist parties, so there might be not enough critcism of the left. But exposure to regular media will balance that more than enough.
I think there are similar ones in other languages such as Theekkathir(Tamil Nadu), People's democracy etc.
Means TV, but it's a subscription version of YouTube for leftist content and it's a cooperative. The Means Morning News channel is 80s/90s cheesey and a decent news summary that ends with the Rich Dick award
I like to listen to the Muckrake podcast for analysis of recent events.
Ground news. Not left but ranks articles based on viewers and the Cradle has become a great source.
Late stage live is a comedy new channel that feels like older daily show episodes.
It's really hard to list any news sources that I don't read with a few kilos of salt. DN! seems one of the more trustworthy, and Amy Goodman makes it work on a very slim budget; and for that reason, she's simply not able to cover everything, and maybe that's good, because it gives us time to really think about what they publish. I can tell you the only reason I miss TV is for local coverage, and even then, it's also best taken with a few kilos of salt.
Just to type it out to make it easier to find: Democracy Now!
Thanks, I thought they were talking about the Swedish DN.
SBS Australia
I really like BreakThrough News. Also Novara Media that people have mentioned.
Novara has publicly disgraced itself on multiple occasions. You can find plenty of dunkings of their credentials.
Ash friends with Zionists, Bastini heavily involved in the Corbyn character assassination.
I cant read twitter threads I have no account.
But come on, they were a bit shit on Corbyn when the AS bs first started but they’ve been defending him fiercely ever since, up to this day.
And then being friends with Zionists idk, that would be surprising.
And also, George Galloway can f off…. There’s PLENTY to criticise about him.
The Young Tur... wait what was the question?
OP said leftist
I'll leave this here. Good resource for evaluating news sources as you come across them also.
Mother Jones.
WMNF radio
Left Coast Right Watch.
News sources should not have orientations. They should be neutral. If they have a political orientation they are not my favourite source at all
There's no such thing as having no orientation. Being honest about it is better than false neutrality.
I don't think this is true.
I agree that nobody can be neutral, but reporting news should at least try to be. It is basically just telling facts about what is going on in the world. I understand that being totally objective is not possible, but not trying, and reporting facts with an agenda is not a news source that I would take seriously
That's not something that exists, nor is it possible.
I know that it is not possible, but actively having an orientation just makes for bad journalism. Reporting on news from both sides, and not sensationalizing news or the way they are reported, should be key factors of any good source of news
I have a problem with the basic terms of political alignment. Every political view is placed on a line between far left and far right, and centrist views are in constant flux. This seems to foster devotion over unity.
We need a set of 3 dimensional terms because the 1 dimensional "left/right" terms are to simplistic. Perfectly reasonable ideas that essentially everyone would support become points of division purely because those ideas are strongly aligned to either the left or right.
I strongly believe the next evolutionary step we must take is to re-engineer politics and government. Freedom, shared resources, reasonable controls, balanced towards the needs of the public, all seem like dreams right now. Fuck knows how we get there without bloodshed, but get there we must.
Left/right is just shorthand, the issue isn't adding dimensions but recognizing that you can only ever describe political positions by what they actually are. Adding dimensions doesn't necessarily help because completely different stances can occupy the same space depending on how you do it, it becomes astrology.
Vox (and to a lesser extent the NYT)
to a lesser extent the NYT
I think you may have misunderstood the question.
Just use Ground news and stop consuming bias
CNN and now Fox News since they became commies too.