Ah yes. Because profanity and hand guestures need to be censored. Gus can go fuck himself.
You may be missing some context here.
This is a children's show (more specifically, The Owl House). The "punchline" is that LGBT-friendly content is perfectly fine for children.
@Aielman15 @Klear and that Disney has been always extremely pushy about censoring anything that could be interpreted as lgbt in their shows. Including this one, where there was finally no censorship... but was cancelled despite being their most popular show since Gravity Falls.
Maybe. It's still normalising overzealous censorship, something that's really pissing me off on today's world.
Who made Gus the sole arbiter of what I am allowed to see and hear? Down with censorship! Down with the tyrannical rule of Gus!
Gus is awesome 😎
Fuck censorship, including censorship of profanity.
Hey! You can't say the word fuck I'm telling Gus!