Shamseldin and the passenger in the police vehicle were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Troopers said the passenger was applying to work at the Hickory Police Department.
Why do I get the feeling that our passenger in the cruiser was egging the officer on? Or otherwise encouraging him to engage in the chase that resulted in death.
I hope everyone contacts their representatives and asks for a no-chase law to be created. It should be simple but no-chase should apply to nonviolent crimes. Why you may ask, because the cost is not worth the loss. I'm speaking from experience. Call your local and federal representatives and demand they take action to protect everyone's lives.
fire the police use speed cameras and light cameras
cameras will not toss the contents of your vehicle in the mud or cause any deaths to citizens due to lack of proper training
lawyer has to go to commit to how many years of learning the discipline of law versus how many months maybe for a cop to learn enough law to enforce it
Like most problems, it's all shades of grey. Is a missing plate worth a high speed chase endangering the public, probably not. Did someone kidnap someone and is running from police. Probably yes? Idk, I'm not qualified to answer.
As others have said the same thing it's important to remember why we do things; if we punish those that are driving fast and recklessly because it puts lives in danger than the punishment or the pursuit of justice should not be worse than the offense.
I know there'll be people who dismiss it as "sci-fi" or whatever, but it seems like magnetic tracking tags that could be thrown or fired at cars would be a good idea for situations like this. They won't always work but it's better than either the chase or just giving up.
If catching a criminal will put more innocent lives in danger than letting them go... then yeah, let them go.
If they have plates then you'll id them eventually and you can arrest them later. If they don't, like this case, then too bad. Pretty much anything would have been better than this.
Some cities, such as Denver, have rules that police can't engage in high-speed pursuits. This was enacted because it simply was too dangerous - you end up with innocent motorists, pedestrians, police and the perps often getting injured or killed and cars smashed. So, they simply take note of the description and plates and keep an eye out for them. This does suck because then if someone gets pulled over in a stolen car, they either just don't stop, or stop and then leave once the cop is stopped. Not sure what a better solution is though.