Hi, cutie~
Hi, cutie~
Hi, cutie~
“fuck off creep”
your password does not meet the minimum requirements
༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Wow that's 172 bits entropy. Very safe!
Wait if I have this reaction when people call me cutie does that make me a bottom?
I'm not a bottom! WTF! ...am I?
KeePass rates this password as weak with only ~61 bits of entropy. You need to properly seed your random source with more compliments to properly heat up their internal entropy. Recommending 'why are you so cute?' and 'you're so adorable, i love u'
I'm starved for compliments but they also make me shy/uncomfortable. Once this lady crossed the street to tell me she liked my shirt and i still both
why do people only "Hi, cutie~" when they need a new password smh over here
jiot42gmlkvm52kv lwngdipowerijgewnfkdjlnglkds hiiiiiiii
To be truley secure you will want to use their response as a seed in a message to another bottom
hdjsjsndndnn hiiii