Yo are fireworks that fun?
Yo are fireworks that fun?
It's almost 2 am and I'm in bed and I still keep hearing pop pop boom outside. Is it that fun? Seriously. Also, what's a better sub for this kind of post? Inb4 mastodon.
Yo are fireworks that fun?
It's almost 2 am and I'm in bed and I still keep hearing pop pop boom outside. Is it that fun? Seriously. Also, what's a better sub for this kind of post? Inb4 mastodon.
Explosives were fascinating when I was, like, 10 years old. Now, as an adult, they're just stupid, but we have an ever-growing population of people who derive their sense of self-worth from producing maximally loud, obnoxious, pathetic spectacles (think street-racers, coal-rollers, rap-blasters to name a few), so there you have it. When you're a nobody and have no attributes that anyone would look up to, well, at least you can force people to pay attention to you and do it on the cheap (important because you're poor). Boom boom pop pop.
people yelling at their mobile phone set to speaker while in public
After rejoining a gym recently (had been away ~5yrs) I was astonished to find people doing this right there in the weight room. Blabbing away, having personal conversations at high volume mere feet from all the other paying customers who are just trying to concentrate on their workouts. I'd seen the signs on the wall asking people NOT to do this and take their phone conversations elsewhere, but of course those rules are for OTHER people, not for precious entitled blabbermouths.
Spot on, mate! I can't stand them. Ultranationalism, harmful to the environment, poor air quality and noise pollution. Not good for the animals or anything really, a huge waste.
And nowadays, more and more just another "let's own the Libs" childish pedantic fucking bully-mindset.
I get this, but even as the op here, I do want to say I'm not saying any of these things you brought up are invalid ways to exist in a shared public space. People who "rap blast" as you say - what about rock or metal? What about country or electronic music? What if I am blasting the theme from Katanari Damacy at the gas station and genuinely enjoying myself?
I question the amusement levels of these explosions. But I have to disagree with some of this other stuff, which is valid in a public space albeit could be considered annoying in a similar way.
I don't like them one bit. Pollute the environment, make unnecessary noise, and are dangerous.
Yes they are
Understandable, have a good night.
I like a professionally organized fireworks display - one where the town/organizer gives people plenty of notice, trained professionals conduct the display while sober, and emergency services are on standby.
I do not like the idea of an untrained person putting on their own fireworks display. They might have been drinking, there might be kids or pets nearby, they may not know what precautions to take. This negatively impacts neighborhoods when kids and people on alternative work shifts cannot get the rest that they need, pets become anxious, there is no designated start and stop time.
The environmental impact is also worth discussing. Burning copious amounts of chemicals will release fumes which are bad for the atmosphere and can very quickly impact people with medical issues like asthma. At least professionals clean up after themselves; often, people who put on their own shows tend to leave the waste wherever it lands.
Is it that fun?
Yes. Sorry. I only have 1 or 2 days a year where I can legally blow stuff up.
Welp, depends on where you live. When I was growing up in New England it was illegal to set off fireworks if you weren't a licensed pro. Illegal to buy/own them too AFAIK. Here in WA you can buy them on NA reservations but AFAIK it's still illegal to set them off. But of course, the yahoos do it anyway and it seems to get worse and worse every year - more, bigger, louder, and for days on end. And all this while the climate gets drier and drier and more fire-prone.
A number of people said "They were when I was young, but not anymore," and that was my reaction too. I absolutely loved playing with firecrackers or making little explosives when I was a teen, so the 4th was really fun for me.
It's hard to say why I don't feel the same way now, but I think part of it is just that I've seen it and done it over enough years that it's boring now. The other part is that, like most kids, I didn't think about the broader impact of things as much as I do now. Having known people with PTSD from military service, and having pets that are absolutely terrified of the explosions, it's hard to enjoy them now without thinking of the suffering. Also, I live in parched Southern California close to the hills, so the people lighting giant fireworks in their back yards around me is infuriating.
I'm against them. I see little to no joy in them, while knowing that they are bad for the environment, for animals and wallets. However, I have accepted that the joy is a subjective matter and people see things that I don't. Similar to loud bikes and cars or loud music, there are enthusiasts who see other values.
I would like to see it restricted to state purchases and to have it limited to official firework shows only all over the world.
I'd also like to add that there are only a few days each year when it's allowed; loud vehicles are not a great example because they annoy people year-round.
(In the US) Most jurisdictions don’t actually have laws limiting when it’s allowed, except the typical nuisance noise.
I say yes. But, I work with them professionally not in the US. They are banned in my country for personal/private use. Working with commercial/professional quantities and the safety around them provides more enjoyment to me than weaker, consumer grade where the danger is still the same and the effect is much less. I watch these videos of backyard displays and they all explode at the same height and it's just too messy. But thats me!
what county are they banned like that in?
Australia... On the whole. There are exceptions, but illegal otherwise
This is the way
it's not, also it kills a lot of animals
Bonus, my cat is staying under the bed, so I know where to find him.
I basically spent my entire day preparing to get my puppy through his first 4th of July and he's legit sound asleep right now cos he dgaf.
I guess a well organized fireworks show can be quite amazing. What I don’t understand is how much private consumers will pay for it each year to literally see their money go up in smoke. That being said, I think those people would find it pretty weird to know I pay money to some guy in Estonia to run a server so I can look at memes of beans as a Spezistan refugee.
I like setting them off at my own pace. Lighting the fuse and running away is half the fun.
What I don't get is people who only buy a few 100+ shell batteries. At that point you're better off gong to a show.
Don't sell explosives to the public. Organized displays are fine.
People who shoot off fireworks in residential areas are inconsiderate assholes.
"residential aresas" whats that even mean?
We're all living in residential areas.
Right, and shooting off noisy fireworks around people trying to sleep is a dick move. Take them elsewhere.
Fireworks are brilliant. I think you live somewhere with cultural issues... people reserve the right to party and annoy everyone else...
They have their time and place - and 2am sounds more like problms with arseholes, not Fireworks.
They should be banned after 9pm (except for New Year - extend until 00:20 for that).
I've been witness to some amazing displays that bring tears to my eyes they were so awesome. The most memorable being ones that I'm close enough to feel the pressure wave, a truly trouser flapping experience.
The big issue I have with "reserve the right to bother others" is that others includes animals, elderly people and small children, all of which may be really bothered by fireworks. A lot of birds die during fireworks every time, for example.
I don't really get anything from fireworks, they all look the same to me.
It doesn't even get dark in my area until 9pm during the summer. I would say 10/10:30pm
I think it being dark is only necessary for mortar based fireworks. For the smaller ones, I do mine at dusk so 9pm works okay for me.
I love fireworks. I've been helping in professional level shows for a few years and ever since I basically stopped buying fireworks myself.
There's no way I can capture even a whiff of the awesomeness of a proper display, yet I'd still spend hundreds on trash, trying. And I too get annoyed with random bangs throughout the days surrounding national holiday. There ought to be "shooting ranges" for the general public then let some pros do a proper display and see each other in a year again...
Yes, fireworks are fun.
The thing that annoys me the most is when during bonfire night season (I'm UK), idiots fire off fireworks weeks before the actual day itself
Also, what’s a better sub for this kind of post? Inb4 mastodon.
I guess there's !casualconversation@lemmy.world? Although I like how casual this community is compared to it's... equivalent
Yes they are.
Of course doing them at 2am is a dick move and I wouldn’t do it then. But anything until 10pm is alright in my books.
When I was 12 maybe…
I prefer having all of my fingers to making things explode.
Yeah they are tbh.
For what other communities to post this in, maybe !nostupidquestions@lemmy.world. But this one is pretty good
You would mean https://lemmy.world/c/nostupidquestions but yeah. Thanks!
The way they posted it will open that community on everyone’s local instance.
They're pretty fun as long you can experience the fireworks with your own eyes and feel the big loud booms and bright lights. Something about the bright lights and loud explosions just brings out some sort of child-like joy. However I'd say they're only fun once in a while like on the 4th of July as I'd go crazy or quickly get tired of them if I had to experience fireworks explosions everyday of the year.
You're just mad that you weren't invited.