Missle, er, Proton Torpedo Command
Missle, er, Proton Torpedo Command
s5e9 "Thirty Days"
Missle, er, Proton Torpedo Command
s5e9 "Thirty Days"
"Paris to Voyager, you got me this round. Splitting the missile at the bottom just as the bonus plane flew over was a dirty trick, but it worked."
I'm sorry but parris was soo based in this episode
Took a strong stance for what he believed was right. Good on him.
Janeway literally tortured Paris in this episode.
Solitary confinement for 30 days, given deliberately bland food, ordered security personnel not to talk to him, given nothing to stimulate him (such as books), in a tiny cell that he couldn't leave.
Literally illegal in pretty much all of the developed world, and definitely comes under cruel and unusual punishment as well as psychological torture, as outlined in the Human Rights Act.
It was a completely over-the-top and callous punishment.
Is this where we finally get to just say that Janeway was a bad captain and a shitty human?
“Paris launched a missile” is not something Germany ever wants to hear on the news.