Season 8 Episode 8 - Zapp Gets Cancelled
Season 8 Episode 8 - Zapp Gets Cancelled
Airing on Hulu (US) or Disney Plus (outside US) - Monday, September 11, 2023 at Eastern Time (ET) 03:00 a.m/ Pacific Time (PT) 12:00 a.m
Season 8 Episode 8 - Zapp Gets Cancelled
Airing on Hulu (US) or Disney Plus (outside US) - Monday, September 11, 2023 at Eastern Time (ET) 03:00 a.m/ Pacific Time (PT) 12:00 a.m
Wait these are new episodes??
Hell yeah they are. Fresh off the press.
First good episode of the season.
I have mixed feelings towards this entire season so far. I'll say this is one of the better ones for sure but something seems off.
I didn't not enjoy the covid ep, the entire back story to Santa changed, etc, etc. It's all been said before but it still feels different.
The COVID episode was just not funny to me. I actually stopped watching it. Seeing those idiots not wearing the masks correctly was just to soon for me
I liked this one. Zapp always gives me a laugh. So far this and the Christmas ones have been my favourites, the rest being meh to ok.
Does that mean episodes 1-7 are available now?
Have been, episodes come out every Monday. They've been... something
I've enjoyed them. Something about the writing in this newest batch makes it seem more like the old episodes. I think it's the pacing and the lack of cringy cutaways. No classics yet, even in the vein of the (original) time machine episode or the body switching one from the last batch, but we've got 3 more to go on this season, then 10 more dropping after that, so plenty of time.
I will say Billy West is sounding old, which is fair because he is old. But fry seems to have taken up smoking since we last saw him
Unless I missed it, I think there was a missed opportunity to make a reference to SpaceBalls air shield, given the context of the episode.