I don’t work for your store, pay employees
I don’t work for your store, pay employees
I don’t work for your store, pay employees
Capitalists do not understand you are paying people not so they do work, but so they don't steal your shit. This is like psychopathic behavior 101: pay half the population to kill the other half so neither of them go after you.
Why does everyone who runs a store or shop write like this? Are they marking off their loose paper and sharpie budget as a business expense?
Small business tyrant mindset.
Middle managers who mostly write mean notices about personal phone use to be posted in the break room.
I've put many signs up when working construction for warning of all sorts. People don't read signs. There's so many everywhere now trying to throw some sort of product down our neck that we've gone sign blind.
They're too stupid to use software and printers to do it.
Lol, awesome.
Where's my discount for doing your labor?
As much as I dislike online shopping (because it puts too much control into an even smaller group), this crap is driving me to it.
Spending 10 minutes looking for “sweet potato” in the alphabetical selection screen, only to not do it fast enough and get yelled at by a robot while the store has 10 closed registers and everyone on line is giving me dirty looks.
No discount
Robot tills unironically good. We need people renovating houses and providing healthcare not making the same small talk day in day out.
As always, this makes the faulty assumption that under capitalism, unemployed till workers will go do those things.
We already have vastly more than enough people to do those things, and people working tills is not the reason those things aren't done. So until we fix that reason, I'll take the extra 2 minutes opportunity to get to chat to a fellow human being thanks.
Love to wait in a line a dozen people deep because the parasite class is too cheap to hire more than one checker
Im going to be real i would be very tempted to walk out with my shit at that point
Man, am I part of a minority that vastly prefers self checkout? I just scan my shit, pay, and leave while everyone else is waiting in line for a person. No awkward small talk, no one in front of me holding up the line with a mountain of coupons or anything, just efficiency. They're honestly not hard to use. Barcode go beep. Carrots under C. Stuff goes in bag.
I've had some finicky ones, but the only reason I would ever choose a person instead is if I have alcohol, and that's not really by choice. Most times, I finish shopping and walk out the door within 2 minutes. I've waited in line for like 15 before. I don't see why it's more popular other than the desire to "be serviced."
I wonder if self-serve gas went through this, too.
Nope. I prefer them too because it’s easier to steal from corps.
You still have to scan stuff, but 500g of potatoes is cheaper than 500g of cheese. Just match the weights and give yourself a discount.
Had an idea to pre-print barcode stickers for various items that ring up the product as something similar, but cheaper. Then slap em on as you shop and checkout at either the self checkout or with a cashier.
Not sure if a database of products and their barcode IDs for certain stores exists, but you could also make a trip to do the scanning. I'm sure we could find at least one comrade at each major store to leak a database of barcodes.
I prefer just leaving stuff at the bottom of the trolley than alt-scanning personally.
you're doing work for free and it should bother you
Maybe, but this principle feels still reactionary in this case, depending on your presented solution. For now, we are more progressive towards our communist goals and better off with the self-checkout. It is a more centralized and efficient option in general. The problem isn't the fact that we are doing work for free that someone else should be paid for, it's that we should socialize the results of that free work in dropping prices and investing that labour elsewhere. Otherwise we're just re-privatizing the half of a process that's closer to socialization.
I don't think I'm necessarily complaining about your position here, you could just be using this phrase and agreeing, but I often see this phrasing followed by the reactionary "we can finally have normal lines and clerks like we used to have". Giving them that job back now (in full amounts, like before self-checkout lowered the amount) just results in even lower pay for those people and decreases every other benefit from it. There's never a going back in these cases which won't result in much worse things and further from a workable position strategically..
Of the three stores near me, all of them have switched over the years from having most of the checkout stations staffed with someone, to having 0-2 and forcing everyone to go to the tiny self checkout stations instead
Edit Also the stations always yell at me and call the staff for doing it wrong somehow
I'm on your side on this. Usually when I'm grocery shopping it's at the end of a long day, and I just don't want to deal with other people in any capacity at that point.
No awkward small talk
Oh god so much this. Especially from other people in line. There's something about my face that seems to invite conversations from strangers. I have no idea what it is. And it's always the last thing I have any interest in doing. Especially when they're offering recipe advice. Self checkouts are a godsend.
Agreed, way more efficient and convenient. Where I live customers always bag their own groceries anyway so the only difference is taking 2 seconds to run it through a scanner before putting it in your bag and you never have to stand in line for them or anything. Like I couldn't care less if the convenience store isn't giving me great customer service I just wanna grab what I want and get out asap.
Wait till they find out that it's the staff stealing all the shit and not the customers. Then wait until they find out that all the staff that are ripping the place off are all in management.
free candy machine broke
Me: "Every time your machine stops my self checkout transaction because I moved my shopping bag too close to the cameras I will 'forget' to pay for one item."
Ok I guess I can go back to stealing the old fashioned way. I almost got caught more often at the self checkout anyway
I always pocket things in aisles without cameras, all of the surveillance at checkout is too sketch.
As always, the problem isn't inherently with technology, but with its usage by capitalism. We could implement this to free workers for other more necessary jobs, or to reduce the working hours. Instead it just creates extra profit for the capitalist and more unemployment.
Self-checkout is one thing I proudly say the baby boomers were right about.
Hope this energy stays with all other AI bullshit. Look, porky wants to disguise us working for him as a service he’s providing us and charge us for it. Porky is lazy, not us.
Worked retail and I can definitely agree.
Sucked being an unpaid, unlicensed therapist especially as an autistic person.
tbh I just really like not having to talk to someone
The Dishonesty of inflating grocery prices until people felt the need to steal them, absolutely. Your apology should be much longer, perhaps its own separate sign.
The same way Aikido is, in theory, the most effective martial art, but the human body isn't capable of harnessing it to its full potential so it ends up laughably bad, this middle manager's methods actually make for a mindblowing business model, but their customers' morals fail them so the store ends up unable to use technology.
uNeXpEcTeD iTeM iN bAgGiNg ArEa
:bender-rodriguez: "I don't like it, but I can respect it."
remember everybody, if aggressively confronted by self checkout person:
"train me as a cashier or gtfo i have no idea what im doing with this machine"
I prefer using the self checkout, I don't consider it work, because I also consider it work to mentally deal with meaningless small talk, and to deal with waiting in line for ten minutes when I'm buying just a few items.
You might feel like it's work for you, and that's fine. You can then use the staffed checkout lanes, which are explicitly there for anyone who dislikes doing self checkout.
The problem isn't doing "work" by using self checkouts, the problem is capitalist cost-cutting, which would be done with or without self checkout machines.
Another sign that will never be read
I find self checkouts tend to break down a lot since the big bourgeois scum refuses to keep it cool enough in their buildings for people, much less electronics, to half function. Then repairing the machines or purchasing them to begin with is more invested capital than just having one wage slave cashier-stocker run the entire store, that is until arrow go down since customers can't be waiting 2hrs in line every time they need something.