Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
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You return your cart because it's the right thing to do
I return my cart because it gives me a sense of superiority
We are not the same
You return your cart because it's the right thing to do
I return my cart to get my euro back that I put in to unlock it
Mr fancy pants here with full euro coins.
I treasure my red plastic €0.50 coin replica more than my life.
I put in a 2€ and look down on other shoppers
You guys can use €0.50 coins?! Over here in Australia it’s either a $1 or $2 coin. I wish I could chuck a 50¢ piece in the trolley.
50 eurocent coins are actually about the same size as 1 and 2 euro coins, so that's why
Why not just 3D print a few more?
Why 3d print them when the same supermarket gives them out for free?
Wait, they do? Why would they do that?
Eh, 'cause otherwise people will have to exchange money for coins, sometimes people don't have notes to exchange, etc... Seems like retaining the token is incentive enough to return the cart....
Why not just ask for another one?
It's more effort
Attachment to said plastic, people are funny monkies
You guys still do that?
I straighten them because they annoy me lol.
what I don't get is when there's multiple rows of carts, people often put their cart in the row that is already the longest, instead of putting it in the shortest one to balance it out
Sheep mentality, another way in which the shopping cart is the mirror of our society
I knew I wasn't the only one.
I'll also go fetch a couple on the way if I see some hanging out. It's not because I'm trying to make the cart wrangler's job easier, but because it's not orderly and it bothers me. I have to consciously limit myself or I'd end up patrolling the whole lot.