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Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

With the release of "The Final Shape," the main storyline has concluded, and it seems like the developers are now just churning out random content and seasonal passes without a clear direction for the game's future. I'm genuinely curious about what motivates players to stick around. Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment, or are players simply holding on in hopes of something more substantial? What keeps them engaged with Destiny 2 despite its apparent lack of a clear path forward?

  • I dropped it like it was hot when they cut out 1/2 the content I paid for. I might come back if they bring it back.

    • Nope, even then they burned me, I think Bungie is officially dead as I used to know it.

      • Pretty much how I feel. Removing content disrespected the money I spent on the game, sunsetting gear disredpected the time I spent in game.

        Though they DID reverse the sunsetting decision after everyone told them it was an awful idea.

  • TL:DR-I like the story and gunplay most of all. The social aspects of the game also keep me coming back to help friends and strangers.

    Background: I started with vanilla D1, then picked it back up after Taken King and have been playing ever since.

    For me, the game has become more about story than actual gameplay, which I still feel is one of the best around. I'm super excited about the 3rd Episode especially, seeing as the Hive still has Xivu to deal, and whatever is going on with Oryx's body.

    I still play every week. Once I'm done with my story stuff for the week, I like to help my group get their raid clears and other tasks completed. If they're not on, I sometimes boot up LFG and help blueberries as best I can. I genuinely like to play the game, even if it's helping others.

    When story stuff is slow, I actually do like PVP, although, within the past year or so, I've noticed that I've either gotten worse or the average (remaining) player ha gotten better. No longer can I pick up any random weapon (another boon that Destiny offers, IMO. The ability to take a weapon in PVE/PVP and use it ANYWHERE, with varying degrees of success. But where was I?) and do "OK" with it. Everyone uses "easier" weapons or loadouts, and as much as that irks me (it's quick play, FFS), that's their right. Is that contributing to the barren, desolate landscape that is the Crucible? Possibly. I'm not, and never have been, good enough to "carry" in the Crucible, and that goes double for Trials. I tried helping a clan mate recently get the Adept Draw Time mod since it only drops from the Lighthouse. He plays on PC. That session didn't go well.

    I got a bit rambling there at the end, but I guess to answer your question, the story and gunplay of the Destiny series are the reasons I like the game. One made friends playing this game. Already been to one wedding, with another coming later this year. Wouldn't have happened if I never decided to try the game.

  • Because it's fun and I have friends I play it with.

    The thing with destiny is that there are somewhat diminishing returns in terms of time invested vs in-game advancements.

    The min-maxing and endless search for God rolls and the best builds can push you that extra 10% or so over the gen-pop player base who doesn't spend 20hrs a week on the game.

    But gen-pop and casual can still approach end game content without feeling like a total noob.

    That said, there is still end game content that is geared towards "power users"... master nightfall, master raids, etc.

    Also, as a D1 year 1 player who actually kinda gets what's going on, story-wise, it's great. But admittedly comprehending the story is very difficult given where they drop you in if you just started the game.

    I will also applaud Bungie for making adjustments over the years. For sure it's a lot less addictive than it used to be, and less of a grind. Or maybe its as much as a grind as you want it to be. The changes over the years have made the core game more approachable while they still held some high-level end game stuff for the die-hards. They tried to do the same with the story and it kinda works a little.

    Also, for me, the raids are really great. Haven't really experienced that sort of game play, teamwork, puzzle solving, and requirement for perseverance and gaming skill anywhere else. they're just plain fun, especially if you have a good group to play with.

  • I feel as if the "lack of clear path forward" is a bit over an overreaction from the community.

    They dropped Lightfall, and people feel burned, saying they'll stop playing after Final Shape because Bungie never learns. Add the 2 layoffs into the pot, and the player hemorrhage isn't about the path forward. This is just the first time the players haven't known the 3 year plan in a long time.

    Bungie is still announcing plans at the same rate they used to, the only difference from pre-TFS is they gave the community the names of 3 expansions ahead of time back then.Now all we have are leaks from some twitter accounts and the title of the next year of content.

    AFAIK, they are talking about what "Codename Frontiers" is either today or tomorrow. So yeah, no future plans is not really the issue. They have been saying for a long time there will be more D2. The reason people haven't wanted to play is everything else surrounding the the game (Bungie layoffs, etc).

    Source: 3500+ hours of D2, and the ability to read and retain information. A seemingly rare trait in the D2 community.

    • I feel as if the "lack of clear path forward" is a bit over an overreaction from the community.

      I don't think it's an overreaction considering the fact that they have been building up to the end of this story for about a decade now, it was the grand finale of everything in the entire game's overarching dialogue, and frankly, no one even considered what would come after that other than the release of Destiny 3 if there even would be one

      Bungie is still announcing plans at the same rate they used to

      This is just the first time the players haven't known the 3 year plan in a long time.

      Now all we have are leaks from some twitter accounts and the title of the next year of content.

      You're contradicting yourself. You're saying that they are still announcing things at the rate that they used to, but players don't know what's going on, and all we have are leaks from Twitter accounts. How does that make any logical sense? We have no idea what's going on, but we also know exactly what's coming, but we also don't because it's just leaks and rumors.. ummm

      • Destiny 3: They have said several times over the years that making a Destiny 3 would not make sense, so there were no plans. Only thing that ever mentioned there was work happening on a D3 were leak accounts.

        Considering it an overreaction is a bit subjective I suppose, but since what said was they are announcing things at the same rate, save for pre-TFS, all we had were the names of upcoming expansions... I don't see how I'm contracting myself. Unless you mean the leaks, which should always be taken with a grain of salt if you are to believe them.

        I say it is an overreaction because, sure, they had a decade long story, but more than half of that was by the seat of their pants, *constantly * needing to stop moving forward and needling to fix core elements of this game. Curse of Osiris infamously almost killed D2, and without the Go Fast update and Forsaken returning everything people loved from D1... Game would've died.

        I implore you to look back on Forsaken and see that it was just... Fixing D2. The campaign, while having some incredibly memorable story beats, was just... Not good. A bulk of the campaign consisted of Lost Sector like missions in the world that had you killing most of the Barons, with some bigger set piece missions spriklnkled in there.

        All I'm trying to say is the only difference between now and then is that we had expansion names up front. Otherwise, about 6 months out, we would get our reveal, and them more info from there as we got closer. If anything, they are talking about Frontiers ahead of schedule. Usually wouldn't expect anything until like... November/December.

        They are in damage control mode, trying to push update son content faster, but with less staff to do it. I imagine it's hell in Bungie HQ for the devs. Fuck their leadership though.

  • Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment

    I like the core D2 experience as much as I always have. The gunplay is great, the abilities and build crafting is great, the vibes and graphics and soundtrack are excellent.

    The current season is kinda eh but they always put the weakest season they have lined up first because it launches at the same time as the campaign. The current season is more substantial than previous first seasons though, which is good since they are doing 3 seasons per year instead of 4 this time.

    The main plot line is finished but there are still sub-plots that need to be resolved. Xivu is not fully defeated. We need to come to a more long-term arrangement with Savathun. (The Xivu-Savathun plot is going to be touched on later this year). Some sort of Vex alliance is long overdue. With the bigger threats out of the way, it would be neat to help the Eliksni and Cabal retake their home planets. Clovis could be a full villain any time now. Plus they are trying to sow the seeds for the new plots down the line with their “traveler/witness demise led to magic seeds being shot into space”. Plus they should answer more details about the fallout after the events of TFS.

    All that being said, the main reason I’m still playing is simply because I bought the campaign + season pass combo just like I did for the past 5 years, and I intend to play the content I paid for. However there is a good chance I won’t pay for next year’s pass. There is a lot of potential left in the Destiny IP but the current state of Bungie will have to prove they can still tap into it.

    It’s also worth mentioning that I’ve definitely been playing less of it lately than I used to.

  • I’ve stopped playing since Microsoft copilot was announced and I fully ditched windows, but I held on until the final raid because of the gun play, nostalgia, and the representation present in both the studio and the game. I grew up with the Marathon games, and the early Halo series. The DNA of those games is still there and I can’t help but love it. I’ve been chasing a single player experience that gets even close to Destiny’s feel for so long. The System Shock remake is getting close, but I would love a PvE only game from Bungie. For a long time (read pre-Sony-buyout) Bungie was also a sort of hold out for various minority representations I try to support. The studio’s media showed an employee base that is diverse and they often did a good job pushing back against players saying any sort of agenda was being pushed just for including diversity in the game. This made them a company I was much more willing to throw money at, compared to say, activision/blizzard. That sentiment as largely faded for me as the studio had been turned into a “for the shareholders” cow Sony can milk.