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  • Honestly, I’m struggling right now. Spent my 20’s waiting for something to happen that never did. Decided to change my life in my 30’s, and while I am a lot happier and more honest with myself in a lot of ways, I have also alienated people who were close to me by adopting new interests that they don’t share.

    I try to meet new people, but it’s hard. The ones out socializing tend to be much younger or older than me, and the ones my age are having kids and stuff.

    It has been really hard to find a balance between building the life I want to live, and not having changes isolate me to the point of loneliness.

    If my wife goes, I may just have to cut everyone off and start fresh, but that terrifies me.

    So, with all that, I guess I’m proud that I’m still trying and haven’t just given up completely and moved back in with mom like some of my contemporaries have.

  • My brain is not wired to be proud of things (chase the process!).

    But i think achievements that I would put on my resume of life:

    • Smoked for 15 years, quit, now 10+ years, nifty to think of. (i like number go up)
    • Still alive even though i never thought that would happen a lot of times in my life, keep on keeping on
    • I have released a bunch of cool music with other people and it has been a 'getting out of hand' hobby also for the past 15+ years
    • Up until now haven't screwed up the next generation bonus-mini-me, today was their first day in high school, so pretty proud of them (not my achievement though, i just supported along the way).
  • Honestly I am really proud of everything in my life. I have learned English all by myself and I have always helped people around school with it which made me (plus being good looking and an interesting person) made me "the popular kid" in the school. In high school I was in a boys only school which really made me anxious when I speak with a girl my age. Guess that's what happens when you don't talk to a single girl of your age for 4 years. I'm not joking. I really have no female friends.

    Another thing I'm proud of is my knowledge on computers. Which I assume is the majority here so I'll skip that.

    I have befriended people of many types. Some were confident, outgoing people. And some were anxious, shy, insecure people. The kind of people that are afraid of making eye contact with you when speaking. I have seen those people change around me. I learned that simply listening engaging in conversation with them opens them up. And now those people are not shy anymore! They engage in activities with other people and are happy. My companionship helped them navigate through their issues and they realized that if a person such as me listens and cares about them, there are people out there that will. And I'm really proud of myself for changing their lives.