Societal collapse
Societal collapse
Societal collapse
Explaining societal collapse to an American: Imagine a burger
But then imagine not a burger
DQ burger are the best though
There's a cross-lingual bürgerkreig pun somewhere in there.
Yeah, I'm a growther. We're gunna grow some Dairy Queen directly into your awaiting mouth.
Tent cities i sleep
No treats real shit
IDK this guy doesn't seem all bad
Gonna guess this is about the covid vaccine as opposed to working conditions given that it's a blue check.
The tweet doesn’t specify but a comment indicates you’re correct
Link to tweet in question:
Americans are a land of contrasts
I dunno, he's not really wrong. Like sure me want treats or whatever, but that doesn't seem to be what he's communicating.
We expect something "big" to happen when we transition from one era to another, but that's not how it really is. Stuffs gradual until it isnt. Society collapses when the bonds that tie us together disintegrate and one of those bonds is reliable and good employment. When you can't get that or expect that from a job, then you don't apply. The reason you don't expect those things is because shit is fucked. Where I live the "help wanted" signs are never taken down due to high turnover. It didn't use to be that way. Shits fucked and it's not sustainable
One thing that really got me thinking differently about all this is how Patrick Wyman would talk about the “collapse” of the Western Roman Empire. Especially how it was very “uneven”. Some regions (like Britain) experienced swift, severe decline. It was slower for others. And some regions even fared better when the central authority lost power over them (North Africa).
Through that lens, lots of parts of America are already in collapse. Certainly a lot of inner core parts of cities, and rural towns for sure.
Yeah exactly, that's what I mean and I think it's what the dairy Queen dude means as well. He's not saying "me want treats" he's being funny about something stable disappearing.
Patrick Wyman is great, and that whole series is fantastic. He also talks about this gradual change - people travelling less, less food getting exported, less Military security. you rely more on the local mercenaries, after some time. They settle in. Your dad remembers his trip to Napoli still and your grandma was actually Spanish but met your granddad while he was stationed in Iberia, while you've never left your province
Looks like I've got a new podcast to binge 👀
Easy access to treats is the primary thing that brings Americans together
no dean
societal collapse looks like you getting blended and passed through a dairy queen ice cream maker because the locals found this tweet
Not being able to? Dairy Queen just doesn't want to, when every job has sky high requirements, expects you to work for free, or usually both. Porky is the worst example of a charity case known to man.
I literally had no option but the coal mine because all the jobs only pay less than 10 dollars an hour
He's not wrong in that collapse often isn't an apocalyptic reckoning, it's sometimes a slow degradation of conditions and inability to change paths. Caring about Dairy Queen specifically is treat brained, but look at Russia post-USSR collapse - there wasn't a giant explosion just a decade of immiseration and quiet death
I'd seriously recommend this opinion piece on this topic.
If you’re waiting for a moment where you’re like “this is it,” I’m telling you, it never comes. Nobody comes on TV and says “things are officially bad.” There’s no launch party for decay. It’s just a pileup of [disruptions,] outrages and atrocities in between friendships and weddings and perhaps an unusual amount of alcohol.
I’m doing my part 🫡 🍹 🍹 🍺
Just dump my corpse on the White House lawn
there’s a middle ground between these two. he could have brought up the supply chain issues and that store shelves are barely stocked (i had a 24 hr cold the other day and i went to 5 pharmacies looking for covid tests, they were all out of stock). instead he went w the “nobody wants to work” line
I mean, they're kinda right, not in that societal collapse is when no double chunky munky blizzard, but societal collapse looks like that in that it's a fair bet as a precursor to societal collapse. I think it's pretty reasonable to think the treats will be the first to go and the loss of the treats will precipitate more chaos.
why is this in the dunk tank, that person is merely pointing out the collapse of feudal capitalism (good thing)
Mate, even if every corn-syrup and animal-protein-slurry dispenser in Amerikkka was destroyed, feudal capitalism would still reign. See Haiti.
but we can't destroy the corn syrup replicators how else am i to get spare parts for my lawnmobile
imo this is just too many treat vendors competing for the same labor pool
the government must estabilish a national treat monopoly that forces all treat employees to buy a portion of treats from all other treat dispensories via a sovereign treat employee fund
I assume he is coming at it from a "the kids are too woke to work anymore" angle, maybe unfair but he has a blue check which must be treated with reflexive hostility.
Dairy Queen has fallen.
Billions must die.
The most minor inconveniences stimulate hitler particle emission the most
no that's what dairy queen closing at 4pm looks like but close
One day you can't get ice cream at 6 pm, pretty soon there's barbarians at the city gates
Just as Saint John of Patmos wrote in Revelations.
I searched for Revelations verses on capitalism out of morbid curiosity and wound up with:
After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2 With a mighty voice he shouted:
“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. 3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
“‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; 5 for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
— Revelations 18:1-5 NIV
If you could convince me this is the US they’re talking about, maybe I’ll buy this Bible stuff again
John was using Babylon as a metaphor for Rome, so it isn't a stretch to apply it to contemporary standards of imperial dominance over God's people. Woe to the city of America!
Lmfao. Society is collapsing because the people who used to work there are now homeless
not bad
...sort of
...and sus
Yeah, he's okayish. Got a priestly vibe. I don't think his DQ Xcretion is completely vapid fwiw
Wen eta %s/
on Lemmy?
Maybe I do need Vim bindings in a browser like that other guy was talking about in !
This guy is the final boss of treat boys