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3 Things: What are you grateful for today?

1: my job

2: my pets

3: apartment

What a ride its been that I am feeling grateful and for once, at some level of genuine okayness

Reach down: whats going at least okay that you are thankful to be aligned with?

  • My partner and best friend, the fact that I'm off work for the next few days, that I've got stuff in the fridge to whip up some ramen because that's what I've been craving!

  • My family

    Breakfast this morning was bomb

    My dog gave me the best kisses this morning

  • I don't have it in me to be grateful for positive things, I can only praise the absence of problems.

    1. That I don't need to go outside to use the bathroom
    2. That my wager that if I just wait long enough my skin will clear up and I don't need to spend a small fortune on products has paid off
    3. That I don't have chronic physical pain