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Black Lives Matter (the 501(c)(3)) AIPACposts on the TL, gets dogpiled, then attempts to pivot to mealy-mouthed centrism to stem the backlash

and conveniently leave out they were posting about something entirely different between the first post and the pivot, how curious!

new low for BLM ‘national’, even more mask off then after the mansion shit. hijacking grifters through and through. Leech pieces of shit. Conveniently step in to rake in some cash every time black folks are murdered by the state and use their megaphone to support the people training the murderers

  • the entity just has to stop murdering? not withdraw troops from Gaza, stop blockading food water and other supplies, end apartheid, or end the occupation? wow nice grasp on the issues at play

  • Look we even put a post to separate them so that you can clearly delineate our support for both sides

    It really says a lot that they lead with "Hamas release the hostages"