Is this normal?
Is this normal?
Is this normal?
You’re not supposed to put dish soap in the (clothes) washing machine.
Oddly enough, last year I used dish soap in the laundry for a few months without noticing, and nothing like this happened. I was surprised when I looked it up and saw this kind of thing as a common occurrence. Couldn't believe I had picked up this container each weekend for months without noticing the picture of plates and glasses on the front.
I understand now these soaps are quite different from one another and the fact nothing happened to me is a fluke, so definitely don't do this on purpose.
Were you using dish soap like what gets bubbly in your sink? Or dishwasher detergent which does not get bubbly. Dishwasher detergent will probably be fine in a washing machine, same as your dish washer because it’s not supposed to foam up. But the soap you use in your sink will have terrible consequences in either a dish washer or washing machine.
Related: I do not recommend pouring dish soap in the jet dry/rinse aid port of your dishwasher. It's... Something special. (And you need to rinse that reservoir really well after that.)
It's a quantum thing, like falling after running over a ravine
hey, I don’t make the rules
Far too much detergent. Liquid detergent should be 2 or 3 TABLESPOONS, and powder, perhaps 1/3c.
Look into:
I think vinegar is bad for your washer's seals. Same for dishwashers
Straight vinegar? Perhaps.
As a replacement for bleach and fabric softener diluted 50x?
Did you put regular detergent in a high efficiency washer?
My first thought was well.
No. This person needs serious help about their pointless video habit
What's happening here?
This is a result of a number of factors more than likely. Root cause is a bad detergent/soap to water ratio, which can be caused by putting too much in or unexpectedly soft water (people who are used to putting hard-water amounts of soap into washing machine loads who suddenly move somewhere with super soft water will often do this once or twice before dialing it back), but a contributing factor here is likely that the drain line that the hose is dumping into is partially clogged, so the suds are having a chance to backflow up past the hose instead of staying with the flow of the water, or the wrong type of soap is used as was mentioned above.
that the drain line that the hose is dumping into is partially clogged
That'd be my thought, or even that the hose isn't tightly pushed into the drain.
Rave bubble party
Too much soap. Especially if it's a high efficiency washer.
Are you at my apartment lol. As long as your apartment is t downstairs I wouldn't worry about it.