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  • Technology Connections doing a deep dive into something like how a VHS cassette tape works. I’m interested, but if it’s late, the topic also knocks me out in about 15 min.

    • This is mine too. Half the time my brain records bits and pieces when I'm asleep and I wake up knowing a few facts about how street lamps work or some shit.

    • Technology Connections: REAL SHIT
      Technology Connextras: I sleep

  • Classic movies, usually from TCM. I love classics but they’re often fantastic to fall asleep to with their slower stories and quieter dialog.

  • Over the last year or so I've conditioned myself to fall asleep to "Seasons" by Chris Cornell. It's the first song on my sleep playlist and I realized I was conditioned a few weeks ago when my wife was watching the movie Singles (which features the song repeatedly) and every time a bit of the song was played I would yawn.

  • A couple YouTube channels I regularly turn to:

    The Exploring Series - He does read throughs of SCP files and Lovecraft stuff, as well as other things. His voice and inflection are excellent for being calming, but not hammy like a lot of sleep story channels.

    Astrum - Astronomy and physics related material. Also an excellent voice for this purpose.

    Otherwise I sometimes just pull up a dungeon synth album that has the right mood that I'm feeling for the night.

  • There's a few short fiction podcasts I like for bedtime stories:

    • Myths & Legends
    • Fictional
    • LeVar Burton Reads
    • The Magnus Archives
  • The Office (US). I've seen them all a million times but there's still enough to distract my mind. It's using the ubiquity of all the one liners and memes to advantage.

  • I like to listen to podcasts/youtube videos about religion. The two I use the most are Religion for Breakfast and Let's Talk Religion. I also sometimes listen to "Fall of Civilizations Podcast". I always get bored if I do nothing but listen to podcast, which helps me sleep.

    I do wish I could listen to that last one though, since I like history and the production quality is good. A video can hold my attention for longer than a podcast for some reason.

  • Law & Order, Forensic Files, Inside the Actor's Studio, OSW Review, but to be honest, I don't really need any of it because I tend to pass out entirely within about 30 seconds of my head hitting the pillow anyways.

  • Oliech. Belgian streamer who plays the Battleground mode of Hearthstone. I don't play that game but I watch his videos on Youtube and whenever I do, I fell asleep and usually sleep well.

    Otherwise, silence.