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  • On the topic of voices:
    I was once very puzzled and confused when a voice didn't match what I imagined it would sound like based on someones' appearance.

    Then I started watching F1NN5TER, and after just a few weeks, I stopped giving voices a second thought. Hearing his voice while seeing someone looking so undeniably feminine is the most normal thing in the world.

    Whatever voice someone has, that's just their voice. That's all there is to it.

    • I was already well on my way toward no longer getting stunlocked on gender expression years ago bit F1nn5ter took me from 100% complete to 3000% complete over the course of mere weeks. Like, I had NO IDEA it was possible to be this unfettered from the pointless contrived false dichotomy of traditional gender roles.

      Some annoying, confounding, stifling barrier in me cracked and shattered into fine powder.
      Before it broke, my brain was still trying to pigeonhole people into predefined categorizations and gatekeep me on how I viewed and valued others even though I knew it was a waste of energy and a pointless barrier between me and happiness.
      After this mental block broke, gender abruptly CEASED being a monolithic fundamental trait that dictated a person's life AT THEM, and became a tertiary detail which they defined according to their own being; as mutable, varied, and personal as one's spirituality.

      Thanks to F1nn5ter, now I enjoy the ability to appreciate beauty in all human beings, even if my personal tastes find certain configurations more aesthetically pleasing than others.

      (and that fella is one GORGEOUS dude)

      (inb4 boykisser.gif)

  • This smacks of my regular duty on r/LGBT before I migrated, which is to remind everyone:

    a) Everyone is valid. The malicious ones will be managed by the mods, but even they need love to, for those up to the challenge. And...

    b) That big, beautiful catalog of terms to describe ourselves and extend the alphabet is there for you to figure out who you are. It's not there for erecting a gatekeeper checkpoint or to correct others who identify differently than their behavior (and they will identify differently than their behavior. Go watch Bob and Rose. ) If you only allow gold star lesbians to your pot luck, then your friends will stop telling you who they are.

    Right now in the US (UK, Canada, Australia...) neonazis and white power militants and Christian nationalists literally want to kill us and are following the recipe worked out by the SD in the German Reich about a century ago. Every time we have to put out an internal fire, it weakens the defense of the community. So it's a really good time to practice unconditional regard for your fellow queers and allies.