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  • I wouldn't even call this "aesthetics". Rather "conceptual homogeneity" or something like that. It's what happens when you strive for a uniform look over a useful or visually pleasing one.

    • Even uniformity can be aesthetically pleasing, but these icons are decidedly not.

    • In some countries uniform look at least provided good for society. In this case it provides only profits for to 1%.

      Good for society:

  • Not Google related, but whoever decide that the best color scheme for an Office suite should be light grey text on a white background deserves to be flogged.

  • I actually think these are fine. If I can quickly recognise each on my homescreen (I don't use labels) then it's fine, and I've never had a problem with any of these.

    I like it because each company each has its own set of apps, and they have somewhat unified app icons.

    Proton is the same, which similar icons as google but with their own unified branding.

    I like it, personally.

  • I use an icon pack on Android to revert them to their previous icon, the new ones are indeed terrible..

  • I was yelling about how windows 11 swapped out text listingzs for copy, paste, etc from its contextual menus for stupid icons just the other day. Modern UIs are becoming so “streamlined” to the point of uselessness.

  • On top of that in Play store lots of times when I search for certain app it gives me like 10 more alternatives that all have slightly different logo but all use that same yellow-green-blue-red color palette that google has, so with all these copycats it's even harder to figure out whether app is from google or not