Naked Emperors and Crypto Campaign Cash
Naked Emperors and Crypto Campaign Cash

Why a mostly useless industry dominates corporate political spending.

Naked Emperors and Crypto Campaign Cash
Why a mostly useless industry dominates corporate political spending.
Sorry I don't care enough to argue about crypto. I bet you can get any kind of information about this imaginable.
So no real-world application that's anywhere near the size of the criminal use.
Agreed. Mostly I'm aware of just two main categories here: speculation (folks who hold it hoping the value will go up and they can pocket the difference) and privacy uses (e.g. cakepay dot com which offers prepaid visa and mastercard virtual credit cards globally for one time use and accepts crypto). And when you think about it, something like a blockchain that forever maintains a history of transactions probably isn't the best technology for the privacy minded....
There is a history of blockchain money laundering services which work by comingling funds and moving them all over the place to make them effectively untraceable, as well as cryptocurrencies like Monero designed to make tracing difficult.
I think you will be happiest if you continue to belive whatever you already belive. Have a nice day. Bye.
More like 'I don't care to argue about crypto because I'm out of arguments'.
The fact that you're adamant there's legit uses but refuse to provide them tells everyone that even you know you're wrong. Crypto is unregulated securities trading at best, there's no day to day usage for normal people.
To be fair. Crypto and the people who Champion it are tools. They can be good or bad. But anyone who cannot admit that the main purpose of cryptocurrency is crime. Which crime isn't always necessarily bad. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right. Just because something is illegal doesn't necessarily make it wrong. For example. But the fact that they cannot even admit that. Instead pretending that cryptocurrency supporters want regulation. Which would make it useless for all the things it's currently used for. It's just dishonest.
Why would I engage in this weird dance of morons? You know very well you can get all the data and statistics about crypto usage in seconds. You don't need me to show you if you want to know. But you don't. You want to argue. That's not my thing. Sorry.
Yeah, you could get the data to make your point instead of spending so much more time proving to anyone following along that you don't have one.
Yes, you are completely right. Have fun! Never challenge yourself! Bye!
Lol, it's not that I'm not challenging myself, it's that I fundamentally disagree with you. And like so many cryptobros, you can't understand that people who think you're wrong aren't uninformed, they just understand it differently (and better) than you. As is evident from your aggressive lack of a point to make.
But yes, goodbye and don't challenge yourself, you might have to change your opinion.
It's not that you don't care enough. By your response it's clear you care. You simply can't rebut what was said. The average person has no use for crypto currencies. The main attraction of cryptocurrencies is their lack of Regulation. That's why most of the people who use it use it. But to your average person who cannot go to the grocery store and use it who cannot pay their bills and use it. Or even if they could provides no advantage over using any other standard currency. It's useless. But it's very useful for crime.
Anybody with an Internet connection can rebute it just by googling it. So there is really no argument necessary.
But I don't want to engage in such low level high emotion exchanges.
Not with you either. Bye.
And yet you can't lol