Leave it to the Australians
Leave it to the Australians
Leave it to the Australians
Louise Fletcher was such an outstanding actress. Nobody could play a character that you love-to-hate quite like her. Just thinking of her saying "My child!" and I feel primordial rage rising.
Actors that can do it as well as her are few and far between. She makes my blood boil every time she is on screen.
I even dislike when she's given the narration at the beginning of the episode.
Except Kai Winn doesn't have the depth or warmth.
I mean she at the end she had all the depth and warmth though.
Like that Kings of Leon song, that cunt was on fire and she was consumed with what'd just transpired.
Well I'll be damned, the first part is real, at least: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Headgear
im just sitting here giggling about this
Perfectly executed.