“Communism bad”
“Communism bad”
“Communism bad”
If only there were some kind of way for it to not devolve into totalitarian dictatorship...
lucky u, there is; its called just doing the fucking thing like normal, cuz non of the historical examples did that so u know.
Communism inevitably will always lead to dictatorship and totalitarianism.
In order to become a communist state, you have to: 1.) Get a bit army or group of people to enforce the upcoming rules. 2.) Force people to get rid of private ownership or threaten them to give it up. This will piss a lot of people off. 3.) Get rid of them if they don't. This will piss a lot of people off. 4.) Realize that you've pissed a lot of people off, and that your the only power in the land, you definitely don't want to give this up. 5.) Enact a single party system.....oh, fuck....
Communism doesn't work on a large-scale, and it's not sustainable. By it's very nature it's extremely prone to abuse, and fundamentally impossible to install any sort of checks and balances on a single party-system. Look how bad it is with a two-party system in the US.
Big fan of Tsarist Russia, Feudal China, Colonial Japan, and Batista Cuba I take it.
It starts with a high minded idea and promise of freeing people and whatnot, then it just turns around back to authoritarian rule.
If only there were some kind of way for liberals to learn the actual histories of AES states...
There is, and most have, despite imperial core propaganda to the contrary. Here’s a 1955 CIA report that was declassified in 2008.
Even in Stalin’s time there was collective leadership. The Western idea of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team and it seems obvious that Khrushchev will be the new captain.
“Totalitarian” is itself propaganda: The Origins of Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt came from wealth and so unsurprisingly was anticommunist. Her work was financially supported and promoted by the CIA. “Totalitarianism” is a bourgeois liberal, anticommunist construct for the purposes of equivalating fascism and communism.
Monthly Review, The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited
U.S. and European anticommunist publications receiving direct or indirect funding included Partisan Review, Kenyon Review, New Leader, Encounter and many others. Among the intellectuals who were funded and promoted by the CIA were Irving Kristol, Melvin Lasky, Isaiah Berlin, Stephen Spender, Sidney Hook, Daniel Bell, Dwight MacDonald, Robert Lowell, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, and numerous others in the United States and Europe. In Europe, the CIA was particularly interested in and promoted the “Democratic Left” and ex-leftists, including Ignacio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, Raymond Aron, Anthony Crosland, Michael Josselson, and George Orwell.
If fact almost all of the “Western left” (that wasn’t repressed by the red scares) was captured by the imperial core’s propaganda machine: Imperialist Propaganda and the Ideology of the Western Left Intelligentsia: From Anticommunism and Identity Politics to Democratic Illusions and Fascism
Rather than placing absolute power of The State in one person's hands, start with an elected council of members whose number is not divisible by 2. Transition to a Stateless co-op arrangement. Congratulations you just implemented Communism the way it is intended to be implemented, and no dictator could screw it up.
Sounds great. Unfortunately it has never succeeded for more than a few months. The last 100+ years have shown that attempting to transition to socialism in that manner doesn’t work. Each time the bourgeoisie manages quickly regain control of the state. Given that the worldwide capitalist class still holds a great majority of the power, siege socialism is the only method to have had any successes to date.
...and how do you enforce it? No one is going to want to give up the land that they worked for and purchased themselves, or that they developed. Give up your rights or we imprison or kill you?
And who controls this enforcing agency? The single party government? Because you can't have multiple parties.....how do you prevent the government from taking advantage of their position? Like, I don't think communism is this magical fix-all that you think it is.
It's really simple - centralization = seat of power
The worst flavor of people are drawn to that like moths to a flame. It's not even a good idea, any potential economies of scale are wasted by communication lag in the bureaucracy
Decentralization is key. You can have a commune easy enough, humans self organize just fine in small enough communities. There's communes all over the world doing just fine
The question is, how do you knit those small communities together in a way that doesn't give anyone much power, but still come together when needed?
Same for all forms of government including capitalism.
Related meme:
Thankfully we have other ways of coming to an understanding about China. Particularly the media, especially international media.
That often depends on whether one is talking about imperial core media or peripheral media. Yet another case of alwaysthesamemap.
Which international media? I'm guessing you mean media based in the US and US allies if you're anti-china
As a theory, sure. I just have yet to see it expressed in any functional way that didn't devolve into a shit show. See: Russia, etc.,
I think it's telling that so many wish for a return to communism but still defend Putin's atrocities. :|
Russia devolved into capitalism. Funding a military is incredibly expensive and necessary when a communist country wants to exist in a world with the United States. This creates a militant economy that must be centrally governed to coordinate this military might. True democratic socialism is impossible as long as the United States exists as an imperialist force.
True democratic socialism is impossible as long as the United States exists as an imperialist force.
1, That's silly, there's tons of democratic socialist countries that are doing just fine - today! Bolivia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand - think the US fucks with their way of governing?
2, the USSR was never a type of democratic socialism. Period. They literally called it 'soviet democracy' distinctly, and it meant something WILDLY different that the kinds of democratic socialism we see in the above listed countries.
Your premise is faulty, built upon an imagined soviet union that did not practice the tenants you're endorsing.
What makes it require capitalism suddenly?
My concern with this line of argument is that it bundles consequences from a system of government up with the consequences of trade embargoes and other hostile actions from capitalist economies. That doesn't make the actions of the dictators in those countries justifiable in any way, but might have precipitated conditions that made them more likely.
How would communist nations have fared if the US had taken a 'live and let live' approach to them? The approach during the cold war was that they couldn't be allowed to succeed. That led to the sort of standards of living where dictatorship tends to thrive. Note this isn't unique to communist countries. Look at the Republican party in the US, now that Neoliberalism is failing.
See: Russia, etc.,
Last time I checked sheikh-esque palaces and yachts are something that is not communism. Same goes for Putin's oligarchs.
I think it's telling that so many wish for a return to communism but still defend Putin's atrocities. :|
For some reason I see them less than few years ago. I wonder why...
Putin’s oligarchs.
And where did Putin come from?
For some reason I see them less than few years ago. I wonder why…
probably because they're losing their love of this special military operation slightly exceeding it's 3-days-to-kiev plan. Those dumb sonsabitches brought their dress uniforms for the parades they knew were going to happen.
Any current real-life examples of "communism good"?
It's been democratically instituted many times. And every time America marches in and "liberates" them.
It's difficult to provide good examples when they're all actively destroyed.
Mostly this, although Vietnam is doing quite well, especially considering their circumstances.
Cuba is also really interesting...not thriving, to be sure, but you have to end the US blockade before you blame them for their own hardships. And in spite of everything, they have democracy like we've never seen in the west.
Edit: also what beejboytyson said about Cuba.
Yeah but all forms of government are constantly attacked. You’re like a multicellular organism crying foul because bacteria and other pathogens are trying to invade it.
One of the reasons capitalism wins is it produces enough wealth to win wars. Consistently. The same wealth that leads to ever-lower levels of poverty also wins wars.
Here you go, and before you say China is not really communist. That's true that China is in a socialist stage of development led by the Communist party. However, it's very clear that it is developing very differently from capitalist countries.
The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period. https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w23119/w23119.pdf
From 1978 to 2000, the number of people in China living on under $1/day fell by 300 million, reversing a global trend of rising poverty that had lasted half a century (i.e. if China were excluded, the world’s total poverty population would have risen) https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/China’s-Economic-Growth-and-Poverty-Reduction-Angang-Linlin/c883fc7496aa1b920b05dc2546b880f54b9c77a4
From 2010 to 2019 (the most recent period for which uninterrupted data is available), the income of the poorest 20% in China increased even as a share of total income. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.DST.FRST.20?end=2019&locations=CN&start=2008
By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/31/world/asia/china-poverty-xi-jinping.html
Then there are the massive poverty alleviation programs in China that have no comparison in the US https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experience
90% of families in the country own their home giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other leans. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2016/03/30/how-people-in-china-afford-their-outrageously-expensive-homes
If we take just one country, China, out of the global poverty equation, then even under the $1.90 poverty standard we find that the extreme poverty headcount is the exact same as it was in 1981.
China also massively invests in infrastructure. They used more concrete in 3 years than US in all of 20th century https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2014/12/05/china-used-more-concrete-in-3-years-than-the-u-s-used-in-the-entire-20th-century-infographic/
China also built 27,000km of high speed rail in a decade https://www.railjournal.com/passenger/high-speed/ten-years-27000km-china-celebrates-a-decade-of-high-speed/
Such massive infrastructure projects directly improve the standard of living for the people of the country.
Social mobility happens to be really high as well https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/18/world/asia/china-social-mobility.html
Furthermore, people in China see their country working in their interest and hence view it as being far more democratic than people do living under the dictatorship of capital
Meanwhile, if you want a historical example then look no further than USSR.
Russia went from a backwards agrarian society where people travelled by horse and carriage to being the first in space in the span of 40 years. Russia showed incredible growth after the revolution that surpassed the rest of the world:
USSR provided free education to all citizens resulting in literacy rising from 33% to 99.9%:
USSR doubled life expectancy in just 20 years. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. the Semashko system of the USSR increased lifespan by 50% in 20 years. By the 1960's, lifespans in the USSR were comparable to those in the USA:
Quality of nutrition improved after the Soviet revolution, and the last time USSR had a famine was in 1940s. CIA data suggests they ate just as much as Americans after WW2 peroid while having better nutrition:
USSR moved from 58.5-hour work weeks to 41.6 hour work weeks (-0.36 h/yr) between 1913 and 1960:
USSR averaged 22 days of paid leave in 1986 while USA averaged 7.6 in 1996:
In 1987, people in the USSR could retire with pension at 55 (female) and 60 (male) while receiving 50% of their wages at a at minimum. Meanwhile, in USA the average retirement age was 62-67 and the average (not median) retiree household in the USA could expect $48k/yr which comes out to 65% of the 74k average (not median) household income in 2016:
GDP took off after socialism was established and then collapsed with the reintroduction of capitalism:
The Soviet Union had the highest physician/patient ratio in the world. USSR had 42 doctors per 10,000 population compared to 24 in Denmark and Sweden, and 19 in US:
So, how do people who lived under communism feel now that they got a taste of capitalism?
The Free market paradise goes East chapters in Blackshirts and Reds details some more results of the transition to capitalism.
It's hard for me to look at % increases or "X out of poverty" or "This person makes 1+ what they did before!". I get fed the same stuff about how great America is doing because of our "numbers". Without being there it's hard to grasp if what you're saying is anything better, worse, or just par for the course of a developing nation with such a high output with manufacturing.
90% of families in the country own their home giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other leans. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2016/03/30/how-people-in-china-afford-their-outrageously-expensive-homes
Seeing this statement and reading the link, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other and you make it seem like it's a "quote" from the article (I'm guessing it's from the 93 page research paper I'm reading through). They would've just been better off publishing whatever data they talked about researchers definitely having, the whole thing read like an Elon Musk press conference...
“To sustain poverty reduction gains, China will focus more on achieving endogenous development in areas that have been lifted out of poverty and introduce vigorous measures to support rural revitalization. Our goal is to achieve common prosperity and high-quality development including through the rural revitalization strategy with a focus in five key areas: industry development, human capital, culture, ecological environment and local governance.”
It's interesting and kinda disconcerting reading through the policies and how no real figures are presented for what the policy should be, such as the "common prosperity" they hope to achieve be 2030 (link page 15)
China has set a new goal of achieving significant progress toward common prosperity by 2035.1 While no particular income target or poverty threshold is attached to this goal, it can help keep the policy focus on the vulnerable population over the coming decade.
It makes me wonder if setting an elusive "goal" of a policy is better to get members on board and then slap them with the real numbers after they have already signed on and can't openly complain about (bad for corrupt sectors of government though). There's also just not enough information as stated in the paper to actually understand what is going on,
Finally, this review of China’s poverty reduction experience leaves a number of questions open for further research.....
Just now seeing and trying to wrap my head around the Hukou system. I'm not here arguing good/bad communism, I just like the information and think that many forms of government can work out with protections in place (regulations, corruption detection, etc). I just wanted to point out your article mention and link didn't really fit together with how you presented it. I did enjoy the reading and will continue today, but I take it all with a grain of salt. I don't really 100% trust any source these days, which in this technological era should really be the default for everyone. Definitely let it sink in and contemplate the realities of others, but you only have your own reality to work within for any type of effective action.
If you ever been to a commune where people share food, resources, bills. They go under the radar.
Fell for this one before, Mr. Manson.
There was a reality TV show about communes and stuff. Granted it's reality TV but aside from the bad ones media doesn't cover them very much. Long story short, it really didn't do a good job of saying communism-good.
I think the best examples might be like Cuba having universal health care or something but ny experience was with a michael moore doc so it's kinda sketch to begin.
Open source software is like communism. Held in commons, free to use, contribute to, and benefit from.
Large-scale, actual communism with no authoritarianism? Not that I'm aware of. It's hard to implement true communism effectively on a large scale because most people have to care enough about others to willingly contribute for it to work.
Which is why it's a utopian movement. They do their best to enslave your thoughts and control your actions, and when that fails (and it always does) they slaughter anyone and everyone that won't play along.
No person is perfect, so when you demand perfection, you're going to have to get rid of anyone but those who are perfect at playing perfect.
Can you find a legitimate example of "communism bad?"
Just like Capitalism you aren’t going to find any examples of the system in the world today
When people actually lived in communes it was cool though
USSR Angola Cuba China DPRK Ethiopia Mongolia Vietnam GDR. I cant understand how people can look at a country that dramatically improved its peoples standard of living brought democracy and freedom, and not see it as a good thing.
Obesity isn't a problem in North Korea. They've met their BMI goals.
How it started: The kibbutzim were founded by members of the Bilu movement who emigrated to Palestine.
How it’s going: Gaza toll could exceed 186,000, Lancet study says
I've had quite a few people say I've been brainwashed by Chinese or soviet propaganda, a thing I do not encounter often, and then slowly explain the most bog standard white Australian nationalist narrative to me. I wish I was better at confrontational social situations
I mean, I've checked out a few English language Chinese news programs out of curiosity. Not really anything vitriolic I've seen, if anything they all seem a bit more chill and relaxed and maybe even a bit boring. It's obvious that some of it is propaganda but they don't really bother to hide it behind this facade of "NO SPIN" and "TOTALLY RELIABLE" or controlled oppositional pushback that American corporate news (aka propaganda) feels the need to project.
It’s very easy to not look like propaganda but still push a message that spins things in a certain light.
Many news agencies practice this, Al Jazeera, RT, the BBC, etc.
It’s not just east and west, it’s common practice.
The extreme vitriol we get here in the states is because SHOCK sells domestically but if you want to sell your message globally you say it politely and calmly and often in a soft spoken way.
The point of foreign facing news is to seem reasonably so you can push another narrative.
Not necessarily saying “foreign” news is bad, in fact I recommend everyone take a peep but always remember with whatever information you’re consuming someone has their bias in it
Viewed from hexbear this thread has 27 comments lol
Must be nice not having to be exposed to 440 …other comments.
Hexbear isn't federated with many communities though is it?
Funny, the same thing happened when I realized that I'm Trans. It's almost as if capitalist ran media is incentivised to lie and decive in ways that cause permanent damage.
If that explained it, all capitalist run media would be lying. But they are clearly not all lying.
It's more about who's running it what their goals are. Communist media is widely known for being filled with propaganda and lies, after all.
If that explained it, all capitalist run media would be lying. But they are clearly not all lying.
It's more about who's running it what their goals are. Communist media is widely known for being filled with propaganda and lies, after all.
Capitalist propaganda is so good you don't even realize it's almost all lies.
Advertisements are weaponized lying, nearly every capitalist run media is supported by advertisements.
Yeah the media is incentivized to maintain the status quo, they’d rather tell the truth, but they’ll lie to themselves and you rather than make the both of you think.
Now I love boiling down the pitfalls of modern western society into large statements like "capitalism bad" and "communism good" as much as anyone, but having dealt with a bunch of people dismiss good change as "that's communism" has made me rethink how I talk about topics online and in person.
Now the accelerationist are gonna be mad about this for sure, but maybe you should start small, and discuss topics at a more local level. Then again the internet is world wide and everyone wants to talk about grand scale things.
Basically, I've stopped telling people outside of my direct circle that leftism cool, and instead talk about socialised medicine programs, pushing for support of worker owned productions and business, getting involved with coop housing. Lot easier when you don't have to bump up against the red scare.
Now the accelerationist are gonna be mad about this for sure
You’d be hard-pressed to find accelerationist Marxist-Leninists. That’s more often found in anarchist circles.
(But at the same time, we think that incrementalism/reformism won’t work. Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution)
What are some local examples of coop housing, worker-owned business and production, etc that you’ve pushed for?
(If you don’t mind doxing yourself with the local details that is)
Lol I saw the comment that was removed. The comment couldn't have been more neutral saying people who ignore the problems in the most Communist historical societies reduce the perceived integrity of it's proponents.
This mod is the exact antithesis of this meme. Pure censorship.
Classic "improved democracy"
The removed comment was "as a black man"
shut up
But have you considered iphone vuvuzela
You’re from Central America and you grew up under communism? Please tell us about the horrors of communism you endured.
Fidel taught my dad's slaves how to read. Please bring democracy
Oh boy. Read a history book. One about people who aren't white
You sure you didn’t grow up in an autocratic system?
It's worse when you say you're a Communist or say Communism is good, and people agree, but when you advocate for AES or advocate for standard Marxist theory the same people flip on you and call you brainwashed.
I haven’t gotten that far with people yet. I have only met people who say “no communism” but “socialism” or “Democratic socialism” or “social democracy”
There are two kinds of deviations on the left, right-deviations (aka opportunists) that are succdems and such, basically defending capitalism and always siding with libs against communists, and the left-deviations (also called ultras, leftcoms etc. often including anarchism) who refuse to acknowledge every real-world attempt at socialism as "not real communism", "statism", "authoritarianism", "state capitalism" etc. because real world has a habit of clashing with their ideals.
Some short reading.
If you want to met those latter people, probably just wait for the answers for my comment here, since there's many of them here on fediverse.
I find it's valuable to push people on the whole concept of democracy and getting them to understand that politics is about organization of the economy first and foremost. The key question is why we work in the first place and who decides on what the purpose of work is. If people believe in democracy then it necessarily has to extend to organization of labor as well. Having a democracy where a handful of oligarchs decide why and how people work is a farce.
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Artificially upvoted
😂 There is a spectre haunting Lemmy — the spectre of communist bots & trolls 👻
It's funny cause it's truuueee
This is literally on .ml, why are liberals flooding the comments.
Be happy the liberals are allowed to see this
Just like the far right, everything's just reflection for you guys? The horseshoe is real.
The western-supremacists literally can't keep their mouths shut, when given a chance to denounce any country they consider "barbarian".
Because Lemmy.ml is federated with anti-leftist instances like Lemmy.world and Lemmy.ca. Lemmy.ml has a weird mix of very pro-Leftist posters and very anti-Leftist commenters because of this, people tend to post more on their own instances but often times scroll by all for commenting.
More self-sufficient Leftist instances like Hexbear or Lemmygrad don't see the same circumstances.
We are federated to liberal instances
Free internet.
Sorry, are we disturbing your echo-chamber?
Accusations of an “echo chamber” or a “bubble” are always rich. As if we weren’t & aren’t still exposed to exactly the same life-long liberal indoctrination, education, and propaganda.
Hey look it's the guy from the comic.
Would you join me in supporting a defederation between lemmy.ml and these evil liberal instances? JOIN ME COMRADE WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS
An interesting exercise is to replace "Communism is bad" with "Climate change is coming" and interrogate how we feel about that and why.
It is interesting to reflect that propaganda is involved for all kinds of policy application, including science. As someone trained in sciences, it's always a bit uncomfortable seeing folks extolling science as the exclusive solution to everything. The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy. I think it's always good to have a healthy dose of critical self reflection, so we can engage better on the level of humanized reasoning, rather than on the level of regurgitated propaganda.
An interesting exercise is to replace “Communism is bad” with “Climate change is coming”
It feels like its more commonly "Climate Change Isn't Coming", with big factions in the O&G financed conservative movements arguing that the theory of anthropogenic climate change was itself a plot by far-left radicals to undermine the United States.
Case in point:
The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy. I think it’s always good to have a healthy dose of critical self reflection, so we can engage better on the level of humanized reasoning, rather than on the level of regurgitated propaganda.
I've heard it said that the best propaganda is simply the truth from a very rarified viewpoint.
It is, after all, pretty easy to find left-wing activists - even left-wing extremists - warning against the threat of climate change and arguing for big socio-economic changes on the grounds that they are necessary to avert the worst consequences of climate change. It has even fallen into vogue to assert that capitalism creates climate change through negative externalities resulting from the profit motive.
Climate Denialists can and do fixate on this rhetoric to argue that climate change is itself a tool of propaganda to scare people into abandoning our modern military industrial complex. And with an overlapping interest between climate denialists and conservative activists, we routinely get an earful about how everything from relatively moderate carbon emissions cap-and-trade to more socially radical Green New Deal economics are nefarious plots by communists to Seize The Means of Production for themselves.
All good points. Sorry I'm coming from a non US perspective where climate change denialism is present, but less fervent. I like your definition of "truth from a rarified point of view", though I might also considered non-rarified or pervasive, and factually well substantiated truths can be used as propaganda as well. The 95%+ consensus of scientists on climate change is both factually/meaningfully/importantly true and also used with a propagandistic flavour in many examples of political persuasion for example.
My post was more aiming at acknowledging propaganda as a vehicle of persuasion for any and differing representations of reality (political groups) that exists in parallel with the the establishment of facts of reality. Some representations will adhere more or less with the factual arguments.
I like this comparison, it's actually interesting to think about.
Pretty much everyone tends to agree with the scientifical consensus that climate change is coming, whether they are capitalist or communist. The only people who disagree are those who are financially invested in oil, gas, or coal.
In a similar manner, the message that "communism is bad" comes from capitalist regimes that have a financial interest in preserving the status quo. If you want to understand people within a capitalist society, a really good way to do it is simply to follow the money.
it's always a bit uncomfortable seeing folks extolling science as the exclusive solution to everything.
Indeed. "We will do stupid shit because science will figure out how to clean mess after".
The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy.
Especially policy. You can tell science to make as much money as possible or you can tell science to make lives as good as possible.
Okay, you're brainwashed
Your parents were greedy cowards
That's okay mods, you can absolutely hide all the ample evidence of suffering under communism.
It doesn't change the truth of the history or the words written in my great grandfather's journals, highlighting the horrors that came with living in communist Russia.
Edit; I hope it hurts you everyday that the entire world can see right through your bullshit. Communism has as much a chance at working as you do getting paid for modding here 🤷
Sad mod has to edit history to fit their narrative.
Big sad .ml has fallen so fucking low.
I think the first time I interacted with anti-communism propaganda was Seinfeld. I didn't get it then. Still don't get it now.
Jerry Seinfeld is a strong supporter of theocracy.
Communism does and has worked, what are you on about?
What concept "derived from Marxism and Anarchism," whatever that means, is "far superior?"
Communism only worked on a really small scale, when everyone was in favor of it.
Unless you consider a dictatorship "working", which it technically might be, but it's not something I would consider as a viable option. And technically it's not true communism when there is a dictator with it's circle of elite.
You made it through the first layer of Anti-Communism propaganda. Congratulations!
Now here comes the next layer of propaganda. These so-called failed communist examples you speak of. Were any of them actually communism? Or were they just authoritarians calling themselves Communists to try to make people think they weren't authoritarian?
Now here comes the next layer of propaganda. These so-called failed communist examples you speak of. Were any of them actually communism? Or were they just authoritarians calling themselves Communists to try to make people think they weren't authoritarian?
Sounds like you made it through the first and second layer, but stopped there and didn't seek further knowledge. There are hundreds, thousands of layers of propaganda.
I don't really know a lot about philosophy but I will pass on Marxism. I'm practicing maybe great but the overall fear of innovation is a turnoff for me. Being afraid of Technology and the owners of it stifles the creation of things like Lemmy. Innovation is good, technology can be good. People are just bad.
And I always 100% see anarchism thrown around like it would work and is powerful but hasn't history proven it's kind of a wet dream for those with no power. You take power away and then someone tries to step in and re-establish that power in their name.
Correct me if you know something I don't or have some sort of philosophy degree and aren't just someone who went online and said, "yeah I like that this article also supports my point of view."
Nothing against you and again I am asking for anyone to explain to me otherwise if you genuinely have knowledge in that field and have read a book or two or have a degree. I want someone who can explain on a knowledgeable level and isn't just in some echo chamber that Lemmy can be.
Also, I feel the need to clarify. Fuck communism, fuck fascism, and fuck authoritarianism. I also understand one hundred percent socialism doesn't work either.
I don't really know a lot about philosophy but I will pass on Marxism. I'm practicing maybe great but the overall fear of innovation is a turnoff for me. Being afraid of Technology and the owners of it stifles the creation of things like Lemmy. Innovation is good, technology can be good. People are just bad.
What on Earth are you talking about? Innovation is core to Marxism, Lemmy itself was made and is made by Marxist-Leninists. Where did you get the idea that Marxism is anti-technology? Why would the Soviets beat the US into space if that was the case?
Also, I feel the need to clarify. Fuck communism, fuck fascism, and fuck authoritarianism. I also understand one hundred percent socialism doesn't work either.
Ah, got it, you do have no idea what you're talking about. Why add this tirade on the end?
This is like the opposite experience I had. Everyone said capitalism is bad and I get down voted to die if I say I disagree.
Yeah but that's based
There has been a weird switch in the last 10 years. Around 1990s it was obvious to just about everyone in the world how communism is a completely failed ideology. But somehow, it took just a single generation to forget that.
Something something gotta do the exact reverse of your parents whatever they're doing I guess.
Democracy was a failed form of government about 2000 years ago.
The Cold War never ended.
Around 1990s it was obvious to just about everyone in the world how communism is a completely failed ideology.
That's false. None of the communist that I knew then lost their communist ideology, and I'm not aware of a massive dissolution of communist parties worldwide.
"But... but.... communism had never been tried!"
"That wasn't real communism!"
"Read the theory!"
"Communism is the solution to climate change."--- proceeds to industrialise Aral Sea leading to shrinkage; and built the Three Gorges Dam leading to the massive deforestation and loss of biodiversity in flooded lands
Communism, the movement, has been tried and is continued to be tried. Communism, the end status of a global worker Republic devoid of class antagonisms, has never been reached. These are completely acceptable and compatible statements.
This brings us to the third: read theory so you don't think this is some "gotcha" anymore.
Meanwhile the US alternates having a climate-change denier hold its highest office. Also it's military is currently the world's largest polluter.
Do you have any sources on this aria sea and three gorges dam business?
Wikipedia is one click away:
Formerly the third-largest lake in the world with an area of 68,000 km2 (26,300 sq mi), the Aral Sea began shrinking in the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet irrigation projects. By 2007, it had declined to 10% of its original size
former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the shrinking of the Aral Sea "one of the planet's worst environmental disasters".
The Aral Sea region is heavily polluted, with consequent serious public health problems. UNESCO has added historical documents concerning the Aral Sea to its Memory of the World Register as a resource to study the environmental tragedy.
why are all texts in different fonts
Kinda makes sense, it's different "voices"
Communism is bad
Why do you equate socialism and communism with dictatorships though?
Socialism and Communism are Democratic as well.
Social services are not technically socialist, nor communist.
How familiar are you with Marxist Theory or the actual structures and histories of AES states?
May I present market socialism? More social welfare focused than capitalism but the other main difference is that the means of production are controlled by the workers.
Syndicalism has gotten off the ground several times. Mutualism is a framework that was largely ignored for Marxism.
Don’t think you have to choose between Carnegie and Lenin, you can always choose to fly the black flag and choose yourself and those around you.
communism has not worked and won't work at a great scale (not talking about small communes). as history has shown, it will fail at the human factor.
unchecked capitalism won't work either, we would end up in [insert cyberpunk dystopia]. that is why we need the state to do a socialist job in a capitalist system (redistribution of wealth, healthcare, taking care of handicapped, ...).
in my opinion, that is where the usa failed majorly. coincidentally, that is where i hear most communism support from. i have too little data points to make a conclusion. but it would be really interesting to see demographics of these statements made in the comic.
The guitarist in the fourth panel... is that Rock Against Communism? I've never actually seen bands, especially good ones, go "Yeah, fuck Communism! Gold for the gold god!" A lot of the best concerts were like those at Woodstock, or they'd be underground punk shows, or large arenas where the singer is sick and tired of record companies. If the fourth panel were really happening, it'd probably be Bumfuck-Nowhere, U.S.A.
goes to the communist platform
complains about communist posts
Since when lemmy.ml is a communist platform??
We're living in an age where wealth inequality is higher than it was during the guided age as well as the time before the french revolution.
You shouldn't be surprised.
You're on a platform built by Communists, just because Lemmy.world blocks most of the explicitly Leftist instances doesn't mean there aren't a lot of Communists on Lemmy.
Yeah. You are on a communist majority platform. That'll happen. Welcome to Lemmy noobie.
cry ab it
Every system is bad and will ultimately fail for the vast majority. As long as humans partake in it.
What no theory does to a MFer. This is Idealism at its peak.
Tell me, why are Humans the problem?
Imagine how awesome a dictatorship would be if the dictator would want the best for their people instead of the best for their own? Oh right, never happened. Communism could be great, in theory. In real people partake and greed ruins it. Or is there a great working example?
And let's not even talk about capitalism. If you really have to question this, enjoy your young innocent life with ideologies. Not meant sarcastically.
Weird because China is succeeding quite well.
Probably more fascist than communist these days. My actual favourite theory though is that there are way more important things happening under the hood of nations, and whether they're called communist or democratic or whatever is just a veneer.
James A. Robinson's book Why Nations Fail for instance provides an interesting alternative way to look at this, that goes beneath the surface.
well, it's not that communism in itself is bad, but so far every implantation of it was bad
On the contrary, Communism has done wonders for the working class. Skyrocketing literacy rates, life expectancy, housing rates, access to education and healthcare, expanded democratic processes and political participation, and massive reductions in poverty.
Communism in theory is amazing, but in reality no such thing can exist, since our species are not able of this kind of cooperation. Socialism on the other hand is pretty much possible, but we have a long way to accomplish that.
This is Idealism, Human Nature changes alongside Mode of Production.
What do you believe Communism and Socialism are, and why Communism is impossible yet Socialism is?
Ooooohh burn bitch
We do the /s here right?
Speaking of brainwashing: "Human nature is defined by our current economic mode of production"
Man living in city thinks humans can't cooperate.
Humans can't cooperate just like we can't walk on two legs and use tools. It's just against the natural order
our species are not able of this kind of cooperation
This is just more capitalist realism.
Socialist governance seems to require concentrating an extraordinary amount of power in elite government decision makers; this tends to produce a new ruling class, the widespread deprivation of political rights for everyone else, and crippling poverty.
You just described the US, which is far from socialist.
Thanks for showing up two days late to a 616-comment conversation with your brilliant analysis.
Both are bad one (captlism) is slight ok but communism just pure garbage
You're the one this comic is making fun of
If communism worked, there would nation using it. There's none.
Mix of capitalism and communism is best. Go too far in any direction and you're fucked.
If communism worked, there would nation using it. There's none.
There are many States currently existing with the overall ideology of Communism, or Marxism, as their base, such as the PRC, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and DPRK.
Mix of capitalism and communism is best. Go too far in any direction and you're fucked.
How on Earth do you have a mix of Communism and Capitalism? Are you talking avout Dengism, where the Communist Party and State structure oversee a Market economy with heavy central planning, but allow foreign Capital and investment to speed up industrialization?
If communism worked, there would nation using it.
There would also be married bachelors.
So we can say the same thing about climate change, COVID, etc.
We cannot.
You can go have fun living in a communist country though. God speed.
Thankfully, the US will collapse eventually, and Socialism will grow exponentially once Imperialism as a function of developed Monopoly Capitalism is ended.
If your username ends in 88 then communism is bad for you, yes.
what communist country?
Tell me more about that "proof" you are refering to
Well I'm sure it was explained why but tell me about the benefits of Nazi Germany. I'll wait. 🤔
Thats not really relevant but ok
Erm, clearly you need an etymology lesson. Nazi - National. Nazi - Communzist
Nazi Germany, the capitalist country? Did you comment on the correct post? Are you confusing fascism with communism?