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  • Discomfort, he believed, was a good thing.

    This is really all you need to know about worthless scum like Elon.

    • Discomfort can be a good thing; change is often uncomfortable.

      But that’s a far cry from being tortured and it sounds like that’s what Musk does to the people around him; using platitudes and words of wisdom as weapons of control and coercion.

  • The summum of human vice exemplified and amplified by money.

  • When I read a fluff piece like this, which tries to justify the insane and out of touch actions of someone like Elon, I always immediately try to sort out the intent. Was this written by a paid PR person, or passed to a friendly outlet they know will publish for the clicks? Is it click bait by itself, with the author talking out the side if their mouth to intentionally draw arguments? Is this a “notice me senpai” article by someone wanting to get closer to Musk and his team?

    If you look at the targeting, this is written for the maga and q-anon crowd (if you read this while nodding and agreeing with everything but insist you’re not like them, I have exciting news). It starts as a praise piece for Musk, but once it gets to the transitioned daughter it tips its hand. Note all the comments about woke culture and how it disgusts Musk. The reader is supposed to keep nodding along with the piece and find glee in him screwing those woke people at the end. It’s not subtle at all, but these people don’t need subtle, they need a clear narrative, a pat on the head, and to know the “other” is the right people being hurt.

    A great counter view of this is Robert Evens’ “Behind the Bastards” on Musk, because it contains content from people forced to enact all the cocksure, out of touch policies of Musk and his team.

    • You've got a good point, but it's still evident from the article that Musk believes in a giant load of nonsense, is rash and impetuous, and has no idea how to take care of a company and its people, even if it was supposed to present his characteristics in a positive light.