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Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

You've worked for us less than 365 days? Maybe you should just die.

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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/MURPHtheSURF on 2024-08-24 00:12:17+00:00.

Started a new job last week as a Special Needs Paraeducator at a high school in California. On the second day of the school year, the student I was assigned to 1:1 had multiple violent outbursts, including several punches to the side of my head and culminating with a head-butt to my temple. I was diagnosed with a concussion the next day by the school district's Work Comp medical provider. Their doctor prescribed "Cognitive Rest" through at least September 6 so that my traumatic brain injury could heal properly, meaning I was medically restricted from working until at least then.

I was informed by the District today that, because I had been employed by the District for less than a full year they would not only not be paying me absolutely anything for the time I am medically unable to work, but also that I would only be able to use half of my PTO towards that missed time. My family and I just have to figure it out, I guess.

Apparently they feel no qualms putting me in a situation so unsafe that I would be significantly injured to the point of not being able to work on the literal second day, but feel no obligation whatsoever to ensure that my family and I have a roof over our heads or food on the table.