April 2007 NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft watched a CME strike Comet Encke and rip its tail completely off
April 2007 NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft watched a CME strike Comet Encke and rip its tail completely off
April 2007 NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft watched a CME strike Comet Encke and rip its tail completely off
So this seemed so very cool that I wanted to learn more. There were a few problems, however. The direction of Nishimura is traveling opposite to what this video shows. I eventually found this video is from Comet Encke back in 2007 as observed by STEREO-A. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Encke\_tail\_rip\_off.ogv
Well I can't be that mad even though I was tricked because this is a really cool video and I learned some new things. Nishimura did go through a tail disconnection event. But buyer beware, eh?
Thank you for the correction. The article I sourced this from was misleading. I've edited the title.
I didn't even think this was a thing. Neat post.
Same reaction man.
So where's all that water gonna end up? Also does losing what appears to be a not inconsiderable amount of it's mass, has the orbit changed?