To rein in emissions, the E.U. is looking to insects as an alternate source of protein for livestock and people and is easing regulations and subsidizing makers of insect-derived food. In a photo essay, Luigi Avantaggiato explores the emerging bug food industry in northern Italy.
According to one estimate, Europe’s farm animals have a bigger carbon footprint than its cars.
According to another estimate, leisure cruise ships had a 10x bigger footprint than all Europe's cars...
But still, it's great news to reduce farm animal carbon footprint. Not sure whether feeding larvae to piglets will achieve that though (they provide "stimulation"? ugh...), there seem to be better —direct— uses like insect flour, no need to even chew on them whole, although that's also an option.
Honestly, don't really understand that one. When tasty vegan food exists, why bother with insects?
I mean, I'm sure, there's going to be some fans of it, but it just seems like people who can't imagine going vegan would have a huge overlap with people who can't imagine eating insects...