Symptoms of arsenic poisoning
Symptoms of arsenic poisoning
From a book called "toxicology in a box"
Symptoms of arsenic poisoning
From a book called "toxicology in a box"
Why is that mouse wearing a Speedo?
Well of course because science. We're professional.
To hold up the stockings, of course
Ahhh dammit! Who poisoned the BDSM rat??
I'm not sure if I should open the toxicology box
I totally want this book.
The printed book is way too expensive, but the ebook is relatively decent for a medical book.
If you can't afford it, there's also a third option at Anna's library.
I thought you were saying the book is a bit pricy the way a tabletop art book in the $100 range is pricy. So I went to see if it was something I could justify for a friend of mine as a gift… but nope, way too expensive is 100% accurate. $620. Holy shit. It’s pricy the way textbooks are pricy (the worst textbook I got was $1200, and it resold for around $600.. wasn’t rentable, and no pdf at the time)