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  • I finally got off anti-depressants only to find out that I've still got some depression apparently. Reminded me of this comic (credit Haus of Decline):

    Either way, guess I'm going back on a low dose of anti-depressants. At least my voice training is going ok!

  • Been feeling a decent amount of gender euphoria eight months in. Caught covid.

    • aww, glad you're feeling gender euphoria - if you have the time, I would love to hear more details 👀

      Sorry you got COVID, tho - that sucks. It seems like everyone I know is getting COVID right now.

      • I went to a yearly family event and felt much more comfortable in myself as opposed to last time I went. Wasn't as self conscious and standoffish as I used to be. Gender dysphoria isn't the only thing occupying my mind at all hours now. It's great.

  • Busy and focused on work. Every day I feel exhausted, I'm not going to bed early enough. 😪

    • God I feel this so much. The only real free time I get is on train rides to work and back, and even there like 50% of the time I'm flat asleep until I arrive at my stop because I'm sleep deprived.

      I know I'm not the one that should be saying this but by now, after several years of doing this, I can say from experience that sleeping 4 h during the day and crashing for 12 h on the weekend really isn't healthy...

      Please try to take better care of yourself than I do

      • damn, that's brutal - it sounds you you need to take care of yourself! 🫂

        I started progesterone yesterday and it's already giving me better sleep, allowing me to sleep a little more deeply and longer than before. I had been having trouble even catching up on sleep on the weekend because I was just doing estrogen monotherapy, I would sleep like 6 hours and the body would wake up and I couldn't fall asleep, even if I felt tired.

  • Seems like it's on an upswing. I've been short on spoons lately which I'm attributing to a combination of work stress and an increase in my E dosage. Toned that back and this week is going better so far.

    I'm still hunting for a new job, though. I wanna get out of SRE and into a proper software engineering position.

  • Life-like. Reorganization leading to my job changing from IT support to... cybersecurity? I think? Not particularly happy about it as I joined this team temporarily to help out, was more or less told I could get out of it at any time, and now it's my full time job and I can no longer go back.