I used to be ashamed I couldn't have kids. Now I'm thankful
I used to be ashamed I couldn't have kids. Now I'm thankful
I used to be ashamed I couldn't have kids. Now I'm thankful
Thank god for that red circle, might not have seen the punchline otherwise
Forget money or the unhappiness caused by not being able to be truly independent of your parents.
We're very likely heading for a climate apocalypse. Having children is an act of selfishness.
I really hope this forum doesn't fall down that rabbit hole
Climate change is not going to be literally the end of the world, or even human civilization. At the worst we'll see mass immigration to the global north and the centre equatorial band become more difficult to inhabit.
Farm yields will probably drop to some extent, and we might see a few wars, but we are fairly well equipped to survive.
I wish I was this naive and ignorant of literally every shred of credible scientific evidence. I'd be a lot happier.
My father was an environmental scientist, I grew up reading New Scientist. The science is far less optimistic that you want it to be.
Hmm no. My parents have three different properties and I got none. Working full time (50+!hours) and no kids either!
I mean, my kid gets all her bills paid, her food served at the table, her clothes washed, her room tidied, doesn't have to pay to watch Netflix/ Disney etc. Literally has to pay for nothing, ever. So I'd say she's better off than me. Lmfao. I get to sit here paying out all my money, working out budgets, barely able to get anything for myself while she gets treats from me and her dad and grandparents.
Kids are a drain on the ol' bank account.
also breastfeeding her would syphon calcium out of ur bones 🦴, causing them to be porous as a sponge, where u ll easily be breaking any of them in ur late life. c-section scars..are all those worth it? idk 🤷
For all you know the kid is 2.
Dude chill. She's 3... It was supposed to be funny.
That's rough. Good luck.
I take advantage of that instead of blaming everyone like my parents generation for their shitty lives
So in other words you'll be one of the ones the next generation will have to blame for their shitty lives.
I surely am way wealthier in my 30s than they both of my parents ever were or will be.
And what about your neighbour? Is the increase in your wealth proportional to the increase in GDP per capita over your lifetime, or are you 'taking advantage' to enrich yourself, at the expense of everyone else?
It sounds like your parents generation did good by the next generation. Not all countries are that fortunate right now.
Good for you! What country are you from if I don't bother you asking?