“We’ve been told that they have no interest in talking with me," independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told The New York Times.
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tried to arrange a meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris to secure a place in her administration or a cabinet post in exchange for an endorsement, according to multiple reports.
The Washington Post first reported that Kennedy made the overture through intermediaries, just weeks after he proposed as similar arrangement to former President Donald Trump after the Republican National Convention last month. The pair spoke about the plan, but did not reach an agreement on the matter.
Harris has not responded with an offer to meet and her campaign has expressed no interest to do so, the Post added.
... and why should they talk with RFK? He's a spoiler candidate. He's literally holding them hostage to the votes he thinks he's going to pull from their campaign to get a seat at the table, and he's so freaking incompetent, he doesn't even realiz
e that he's pulling votes from the republican weirdos rather than Democrats.
I mean... The guy knows he isn't gonna be president. Can't blame him for trying to line up a job after its all over. And he's a slimy opportunistic douche.
Fun fact he actually lost more than half of his support when kamala became the candidate. He was potentially spoiling for biden, but now he's almost exclusively a hindrance to trump.
I agree 100%. However, think about what would happen in the political arena if he were given a position in exchange for endorsing kamala. We all know that many right wingers who don't like trump are RFKs primary supporters. Him supporting kamala would throw this group into a tailspin.
It ain't gonna happen, just sayin' it would be very interesting to watch. A big worry would be his supporters getting pissed and then swinging towards trump.
It would seem the response he received was not definitively obvious to him prior to asking. I feel this is the most shocking part. It's like he's out of touch with reality.
But if I may shitpost:
Maybe it's high time he cleaned out all those animal carcasses from his freezer.
But Gaza women & children need more bombs? Seriously, why are Democrats so hypocritical these days? Like... RFK Jr. may have done some looney shit but Democrats have literally enabled killing tens of thousand women & children and that is acceptable to them.
Remember when he supported and backed Obama, or when he threw support behind Hillary? Or that he was a registered Democrat? Or when Obama considered him for administrator of the EPA?
He's an aging second generation Kennedy who had a brain worm...
They don't remove those btw, they're usually killed via medications but the worm is in an organ, you can't remove it. Like if a dog has heart worms and gets treated, their health will get worse because their body has to deal with dead worms, and then even after the remains decay, there's holes.
Like, dude probably already put his brain thru enough without a decaying worm, but it shouldn't be surprising he acts illogical like he has a serious mental problem, because he has a serious mental problem. Absolute best case scenario is by now the worm is gone and he "just" has a big hole in his brain that will never heal.
I highly recommend the Behind the Bastards podcast overall. It's a great way to get your heart rate and blood pressure up to really enhance your cardio workouts or stay awake on long road trips. You will be intensely angry at everything, but it helps. :)
Exactly why I have to take it in bursts. Even Knowledge Fight makes me (usually) less depressed/angry in general (though Alex can really piss me off, but he's also fucking stupid and I can at least laugh at him more often), so BtB is the hardest to consistently listen to for me. Not because it isn't good, but because well, the eponymous bastards earn that title.
Even Robert was taken aback by some of that shit, Cody sounded broken at the end, I need to check the Showdy and see if he pulled himself Back out of it
He wants to get in the white house bad. Maybe he knows the secret location of scroll that contains the knowledge of whom had his his dad and uncle killed, national treasure style.