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  • I can't enjoy a good night's sleep unless I have to force my consciousness into submission with a cocktail of 1937 Glenfiddich, Nyquil, and whatever I managed to steal from the hooker I just kicked out. Waiting until you're tired is for pussies.

    • For me it's a cocktail of bath salts, incense, Enya, a long soak in the tub, and the screams of whatever housepet I happen to be drowning that day.

  • No, I'm really bad at falling asleep at that point. I'm much better at falling asleep when I'm sorta awake and still have things I need to do before I fall asleep.

  • You'll find waking up on your own time instead of using an alarm clock to be better. Good luck reconfiguring your sleep schedule to allow it and still be up in time for work or whatever.

    • holy shit why have I never thought of this before (seriously, I'm not kidding)

      • There's a school of thought that says going to bed early and waking up early to do your things has several advantages (and disadvantages ofc). There are people that wake up 2 hours early to do their homework, write their reports, play games, whatever. Doing so improves information retention, and performance as you're doing any work fully refreshed having slept on the problem(s) the night before.

        It also allows for the strategy I mentioned before. Go to bed at 8, wake up at 4 and have the house to yourself without being groggy (which is almost always caused by being interrupted prior to a REM stage of sleep cycle instead of right afterwards). The issue is changing your sleep schedule. Melatonin could help with this.

  • Depends on the type of tiredness.
    Physical? Yes.
    Mental? The reason will also probably keep me awake.
    Sickness? I'm tired of staying in bed.