will stancil lost his primary
will stancil lost his primary
will stancil lost his primary
in the end, the real vibecession was his turnout
Will who?
Sorry can someone please bring me up to speed on this I don't know who any of these people are
Will Stancil is a centrist Twitter dipshit who was constantly posting about how the economy was actually extremely good for regular people and punching left
He ran for office and just lost and people are taking a victory lap because he's extremely loathsome
Someone was like "if stancil loses because of tweets political strivers will stop tweeting!!" Don't threaten me with a good time
My favorite part was when an anti-stancil pac appeared and it was just posting his tweets to get people to not vote for him
:kelly: Won't Stancil
WiLL StanciL. Capitalizing the Ls for no reason in particular.
he should be dead but I'll take this
Will Cancel
Lmao even
I immediately want to know more about Rolfes and how much they suck to get fewer votes than this dipshit.
I voted for James Rolfe.
Ground game was lacking.
Not enough people went tagging with their Will stencil.
Still wancil
Will Standstill, stuck in the posting trenches.