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  • We have a work area with school desks for some reason, of the crappy right-handed variety. So I notice when colleagues awkwardly try to use the desks and they're left-hand dominant.

    I have a friend who is left-handed and insists on shaking hands left-handed. She will stare down anyone until they offer their left hand or do a weird fingertip shake with their right. Anyone who manages to shake her left hand without looking like a goober, she excitedly welcomes to the left handed club.

  • My wife and one of my kids is a lefty. I've kinda grown used to half looking out for it in others but only idly. It was fun watching each of the kids to see if any of them would be.

    A friend of mine dropped an absolute bomb one day that I'll never forget: "There's only right handed and wrong handed". Definitely more than 20 years ago now but I never forgot it because I laughed so hard.