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  • It definitely is a bubble. Look at how many companies are integrating GPT into products that have no business having AI. Look at how much openAI is subsidising the cost of GPT 3.5. Reality will set in and all these companies will be left with huge AI bills for features designed to impress investors, not users.

  • High interest in something isn't the same as bubble. Where's the overvalued assets that are out of touch with reality? The guy quoted in the article even referenced Google losing value after the lackluster launch of Bard, which is kind of the opposite of a bubble. The dotcom bubble wasn't a bubble because everyone was talking about the Internet... it was a bubble because companies were severely overvalued for putting literally anything on the web without having functional business models. The businesses were the bubble, not the Internet.

    Could AI become a bubble? Possibly. But we're nowhere near anything like that at this point in time. It's just got mindshare, not overvalued assets.

    • I mean it depends how you define AI really.... All these chatbots for every nice subject are definitely not going to be maintained when the hype dies out. But we've been using AI for years before this and will use it for years after... Chatbots aren't the only thing AI can do