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  • I had not really considered that lesbian bars existed. I'm well aware of gay bars, but never really thought about it. I'm glad to hear they're returning! I'm also glad to see they're more inclusive too!

  • I get that some people feel much safer in segregated company and if folks are enjoying that good for them, but to be honest I find the entire concept outdated at this point; these spaces just feel like not really living freely imho.

    • Meh, it's nice to have a space that feels like it's designed with my needs in mind, rather than being an after thought (and that's the best case scenarios)

      • Yeah, I do see that. Though I would obviously not go to ANY pub (straight or gay) if my primary interest was to just dance.

        At this stage of my life though, my confidence in who I am and how I want to live long ago moved me away from limiting my support circle to gay only communities or places. I find the mere idea even incredibly stifling and borderline offensive. This has more to do with my age and past experience with such things I suppose; I am probably much older than most people commenting here I imagine.

        I live in San Francisco as well, so I don't feel like I am in a minority. I mean yes, we probably are? but in context we have one of the highest percentages of LGBTQ population than any us I don't see myself in such terms as minority anymore. I don't "filter" my exposure in social circles either - I just take things as they come. As a Euro transplant also, this comes second nature to me since there are cultural and linguistic differences I have also had to deal with.

        Either way, I am glad that people who enjoy lesbian bars are finding more of them. I personally just wanted to express that I don't find the concept of segregation appealing - even if there are safety or social benefits in it.