My Dinner with Andre (1981)
My Dinner with Andre (1981)
My Dinner with Andre (1981)
This is an interesting movie if you're in the mood for a philosophical dialogue, mostly about art but touching on ethics.
There's a boring half hour or so in the middle where Andre (imo) wanks about a few relatively uninteresting you-had-to-be-there artist retreats, but after Wallace stops being a starstruck fanboy and they get into an actual give and take, it's very thought provoking.
I'm mostly Team Wallace (particularly when it comes to whether you need to seek extremes to create art), but Andre makes some good points too.
Ok will try and pick it up again as I found the artist retreat utter wankery make us stop watching
This movie is integral to understanding the comedic genius of the Community episode titled "Critical Film Studies (aka My Dinner with Abed)" Season 2, Episode 19 of Community.
Community is forcing me to watch so much other media.
The biggest concept that stuck with me from this movie is when Andre talks about building 'beacons of light' in the world when darkness seems to prevail, or when a new dark age of information comes.
I thought back to this film, and that moment in particular, when I first came across the solarpunk movement, which seems to be the one movement that really embodies that concept.