The most profound connection between logic and computation is a pun. The doctrine of Propositions as Types asserts that propositions correspond to types, proofs to programs, and simplification of proofs to evaluation of programs. The proof of a conjunction is a pair, the proof of a disjunction is a case expression, and the proof of an implication is a lambda expression. Proof by induction is just programming by #recursion.
Dependently-typed #ProgrammingLanguages, such as #Agda, exploit this pun. To prove properties of programming languages in Agda, all we need do is program a description of those languages Agda. Finding an abstruse mathematical proof becomes as simple and as fun as hacking a program. This talk introduces Programming Language Foundations in Agda, a new textbook that is also an executable #AgdaScript---and also explains the role Agda is playing in #IOHK's new cryptocurrency. [...]
This is an hour long but I may try to watch it. It looks good. It seems to be from Wadler's book "PL Foundations In Agda": https://plfa.github.io/ which also looks worth a read.