Void + Wayland + Catppuccin
Void + Wayland + Catppuccin
The git repo with the dotfiles can be found here.
- Operating system: Void linux
- Window manager: River with the wideriver layout
- Status bar: Yambar
- Terminal: Foot
- Shell: Zsh with the starship prompt
- Launcher: Fuzzel
- File manager: Pcmanfm-qt or nnn
- Notifications: Mako
- Text editor: Helix
- Web browser: Firefox
- Wallpaper helper: Wbg
- Resource monitor: Btop
- Logout menu: Wlogout
- Screen locker: Waylock
- Screenshots: Grim and slurp
- Music player: Spotify-player
- Email client: Thunderbird or aerc
- Document reader: Zathura
- Image viewer: Nomacs
- General theme: Catppuccin
- Icon theme: Papirus
- Fonts: Inter (general) and JetBrains Mono (fixed width)