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Doctor Who showrunner addresses Mrs Flood fan theory - and promises answers soon

Davies addressed the fan theory that Mrs Flood is former companion Romana as she was wearing a similar costume - and he didn't quite rule it out.

[…] "Probably because she’s wearing white fur, people are going to think she’s [Time Lord companion] Romana, aren’t they?"

Davies added: "I promise you answers to that. […]"

  • For now, I'm pretty content letting this just be a goofy mystery - I normally despise fan speculation, but I don't mind runaway fan theories in this case, probably because it hasn't been central to...anything, really. At least not so far.

    • True, it's when the mystery comes to bear on a current story that we'll see how it stacks up. As long as there's a payoff eventually, it'll at least be better than "Empire of death".