Daily Discussion Thread 🥰🛫🏞️🏜️🏙️🌉 Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread 🥰🛫🏞️🏜️🏙️🌉 Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread 🥰🛫🏞️🏜️🏙️🌉 Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Have a great night everyone ❤️
So tired after work. Hopefully it will get better with time.
May the fluffy butts keep you warm :D
It's the man's birthday on Monday so I'm thinking about making him a giant chocolate mousse, like in a trifle bowl, instead of a cake.
Chocolate mousse is a worthy birthday cake. You could even decorate with sprinkles on top.
Nah, he's not into fancy extras just a bit of whipped cream on top.
That sounds legendary 😋
He's worth it
Made a new friend today. A new young neighbour introduced himself and asked to be friends. I asked if he liked dinosaurs and of course the answer was yes, I said if he and his grandma could wait a moment I had some dino puzzles he could have. He danced with joy. 🥰🦕🦖
did you ask him his favorite?
No, it was just a very quick talk in passing.
Preso is done! Went better than expected and there was one question for me (didn't have enough time for more as the previous speaker took up a lot more time). Got a few good comments as well after! Go me 😄
Go you!! Congratulations. Tuck that memory away to come back to next time you got to do a preso.
What a relief that must be! Well done!
Yay, nice work!
we knew you would ace it
Well done! I also get super nervous giving presentations, the relief once they’re done and the confidence boost is nice.
Nice work!
I ate chocolate cake at my first meal for today.
I feel no shame!
There is no shame! We're adults, if we want to eat cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then that is our goddamn right!
You shouldn't feel shame! That's not shameful, it's WINNING.
this is normal breakfast food in Belgium*
Best part of being an adult!
I reckon that's the start of a good day.
Got a referral for a CT, a blood test, and if they don't show anything, then an MRI.
GP also suggested shingles, and to return if I develop a rash, especially because it's my face. Amazing lol.
She's new to my clinic, but literally the best, kindest experience I've had. So thorough, and intelligent, and it feels like she cares. I'll defo be returning to her.
So lucky to find a doctor like that. Follow her if she ever changes practices. Finding a good GP is a needle in a haystack.
It’s so nice when you find a good dr. Hope you’re feeling better soon
It makes such a difference when you speak to a doctor that actually cares.
Glad you at least are being taken seriously ❤️
I fucked up. Instead of picking up a bag of "fun size" Bounties I've picked up the inferior Milky Way. I will have to live with this until tomorrow.
I never deliberately buy Milky Ways but I quite enjoy them whenever I have one. Same for Bounties actually.
Oh I ate 5 of them but I'm still disappointed
I'm so sorry.
I can only blame Mars Wrigley (who ever he is) for this travesty for making both packets blue and white. 🤬
I would rabidly eat a bag of either
New Malatang (kinda hotpot where you choose ingredients yourself, then hand them over to be cooked in a soup) place on corner of Elizabeth and la Trobe for lunch today. As usual I chose too many ingredients and it was like $32 but it was delicious and I'm stuffed:
Mala hotpot is the beeeeeest 2am food
Morning all! So now Elder minipeeler has tested positive for covid ☹️ Being stuck at home with a covid sufferer who repeatedly left his room without warning hasn't worked out very well for him. Luckily he just seems to have a slight sniffle, but as an introvert he is more than happy to stay in his room with a supply of snacks and drinks and tech 😆. Miniest has some cold and flu symptoms but tested negative, but I'm keeping her in her room with a similar supply of drinks and tech. Mr P has pledged to stick his head out the window for a smoke if he needs one and not leave his room at all today, but it's a bit bloody late for that. I'm still testing negative and have no symptoms, but I have constantly been wearing a mask since Sunday and being as meticulous as I can.
sky pretty
first beautiful delicate blues of dawn now tinged with purples and pinks,
I have absolutely got pathologic rejection sensitivity of some description. The way my stomach turned just now because I noticed a specific person had unfollowed me on Instagram is crazy.
There’s lots of good reasons people unfollow, eg grew appart, or they are going through some life events, cutting back on social media, etc. When you unfollow someone, do you expect them to feel the same? Might help with the perspective. Meaning, do you think it’s ok for you to unfollow someone but don’t like it if others do the exact same?
worth exploring that with a professional.
It's on the list!
Me too. I don't use instagram anymore and it's made a world of difference for my mental health. No need to keep up with people I hardly know.
I think being aware of the rejection sensitivity is awesome. Know that your feelings are valid. That initial sting is probably unavoidable :(
Some people blow it out of proportion and use those feelings to guide behaviour. I once met a guy who said I made him the most depressed he's felt in five years because he asked me on a date and I rejected him. It has helped me pinpoint the rejection sensitivity, self-soothe and remember not to catastrophise.
Oh thank goodness today is pretty cruisey at work. Some family drama that cropped up and left a bad taste in my mouth. Angling to leave early and go meet my friend for dinner earlier and bring some positive vibes in. This weather is really lovely too.
I feel you on the family drama front, it's not fun at all to be involved in it.
Hope you've been feeling better and you have a good meet up with your friend tonight.
so many hugs
Doubling the positive vibes your way! ✨✨
Should I keep making the frugal and gardening megathreads? I’m trying to make Lemmy more active and encourage posting
I might also share my egg recipes if it’s not a bad time for it. (Are eggs still limited?) They’re not glamorous but will feed your family cheaply in a pinch. They deserve to be passed down.
If you enjoy it, keep doing it. More people read than comment, so there may be people who find it useful even if they don’t interact.
Eggs are still limited, but don't let that stop you. The shops round here still have a 2 carton limit, but that's 24 eggs which can go quite a long way.
I like them even though I have been slack about commenting (sorry). And egg recipes would be great! I get mine from the farmers market so I haven't had supply issues. Still they are cheaper then red meat!
TIL: The Victorian Housing Register has a preferred location area "Undefined" which lists "Blackwood, Bulla, Derrimut, Docklands".
Maybe not the best idea to pick it for your application.
What an odd bunch of places to group together.
Sometimes I get super stressed about buying a house, as in I never will. But then I read about people getting their deposits scammed away and I'm kinda okay with being relatively poor lol
I'd feel so so bad if I got scammed out of a $500k deposit, so I'm just gonna enjoy the little things I have that bring me happiness haha
The thing no one tells you is if you buy an established house, everything breaks within the first 12 months. Oven, heater, hot water, it’s a never ending money pit. Being a renter sucks no doubt, but you can always breach a landlord if they refuse to fix shit.
The other thing they don't mention is that even if you buy a new house or do a full renovation, all the big things like kitchen and bathroom renovations and replacing decks, roofs etc - they all need doing about the time you want to retire. So just planning to pay off your house before then is not enough, you need to plan to also have enough to do some major work on it.
The timing is something that worked fine when you could buy a house by 30 and take 20 years to pay it off, you had plenty of time to then pay for extra work on the house etc. after the mortgage was paid, but when you push back the age you can purchase and extend the loan period it makes it a lot more difficult.
I would make it my life's work to get justice/revenge/money back
One of the boys learnt how to say 'more'. Not just the word but the meaning as well. We've also been teaching the boys a bit of sign language because apparently kids can pick up on it quicker and it's good to know anyway.
In reality, signing 'more' allows him to ask for more food whilst his mouth is already full
is "more" open palm over mouth? I think daycare taught my kid something, but they neglected to tell us what they were teaching.
Here you go…
There’s also an Auslan app you can get with heaps of key word signs (‘Auslan tutor: key signs app’)
I got very lucky this morning, had an incredibly clear run on the Eastern/Alexandra Pde even though I didn't leave when I normally consider is the best time to avoid the worst of it.
That was then cancelled by spilling coffee all over the centre console 🥲 I wiped up as much as I could but it got in some nooks and crannies and I'll have to use a little pin or something to try cleaning them out... Sigh
The universe balances itself out, often to our detriment. Spilled coffee sucks and is totally annoying.
The foam carpet cleaner from woolies is pretty good though, and gets rid of any smells
I'll have to give it a go. Luckily not much landed on the carpet but I've definitely been reminded to fast track getting seat covers
Meanwhile, I got held up by a 6-car pileup around the Elgar Rd area at 6:30-ish this morning, that was fun...
Once past it though the Eastern and Alexandra all the way through to Royal Pde was a breeze, as usually happens once you're past a choke point!
And I see there was another accident around Doncaster Rd a bit later too. Not a fun morning for the Eastern (but is it ever?).
Ha, maybe that was why it was so cruisey near the Alexandra Pde exit. Usually by 7:15 it's chockers but it was completely smooth sailing the whole way - guess everyone was held up earlier! I'm lucky I get on at Chandler Hwy but I do have to go all the way to Elliot Ave and through to Epsom Road. Today's only jam was the lead up to Flemington Rd.
Ugh, up early gang. Was going to make myself sleep, but dropping back into my sleep cycle will only feel worse when the alarm goes off.
These Winter afternoons have been gorgeous. I am looking forward to this one.
I travel into Melbourne for work. About an hour and a half drive.
I used to come in via Sunbury Rd near the airport but that route has shit itself getting in or out since roadwork is increasing. So I’ve started using the Calder and Ring Road near Keilor.
I thought the Sunbury Rd area was dangerous. Jesus Christ, if you decide to ever drive on the Ring Road you’re really just hoping you don’t die. Just the short stretch to get back on the freeway out of Melbourne is basically a suicide run.
Has it always been like this?
It feels like just trying to get anywhere in melbourne completely sucks. I'd say for the last 10 years but probably longer
Yes. Clogged with tailgating trucks, aggressive drivers, people who don’t know indicators exist, debris on the road, short on ramps, etc. The roads north and west of Melbourne are the Mad Max zones. Source: commuted on these roads for many years, glad I don’t have to do it any more.
They are also quite terrifying when you don't drive them very often - there are a bunch of intersections that are pretty much impossible to navigate if you are not familiar with them. You get in the wrong lane and end up on a freeway going in completely the wrong direction.
I kind of feel Melbourne’s endless roadworks has made that inevitable.
The ring road is hell. All roads leading into Melbourne actually lead to hell.
I’ve been driving in for nearly 3 years from Castlemaine/Bendigo area but avoided the ring road until now. I’d only heard stories…
Can't sleep, so watching good ol' SVU.
Agreed to wait till 3pm for a coffee with a colleague. Why do I do this to myself?!
waiting for pakidge
It will come, you just have to believe.
It arrived! Well half the things did
So I just found out my local Maribyrnong councillor has died of unknown causes in her home. This is quite shocking.
Temu day today - all 4 packages marked on board for delivery. Many sewing notions are included, I am looking forward to finding out what sort of quality they are. Especially the impulse purchased embroidery kits, they could be either really good or really bad! I will also now have way more sticky tape than I probably need, as after ordering I found three rolls in a drawer I didn't realise I had, so I should now have a lifetime supply.
There’s something magnificently primal about javelin throw.
The javelin looks fun.
A late gratitude thread today.
Grateful for the chocolate muffins I made on Saturday, inspired by the Olympic village chocolate muffin hype. Eating the last one now.
I'm grateful for the little talks with my daughter. She makes me laugh these days. Oh and the I love you mummy and the hugs.
Grateful for the free pizza at work Ms fluffy bottom This place
Had a fantastic time chatting for hours into the night with my friend. Helped put aside my woes and stopped me from ruminating. It's lovely to feel wanted and connected
can I just say i love cheesy spy novels and movies
grew up lovin' 'em, then for a few years had no patience now I find them pleasantly amusing
Nooooo Tom Hawkins is calling it quits :(
Dusty too. It seems to be the day for it.
Yeah, the Dusty one is interesting for sure.
I wonder if he'll go home or get lured to the Suns?
That's big news!
I figured it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier 😭
Still waiting for packages ☹️
I have done some random tidying, a load of washing and some sorting of shoes - insoles in one pair, and relacing with elastic for peak laziness in another. I might try walking Mr Woof and hopefully we will return home to packages.
Edit: walk has now been completed. It was lovely out, but still no packages.
For your reading pleasure, I present mole rats (with a squick alert):
Happy Tuesday Morning… 😂
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
French fries and potato wedges with lots of tomato sauce and aioli.
German potato salad with extra bacon please - and a nice cup of tea.
Dinner tonight with a friend who has (to his utter shock) just managed to buy a house. He wanted to talk solar. All the solar. ALL THE SOLAR. And he got a very very pleasant surprise when we went over the paperwork and he realised just how little a 6kw system could cost him. In fact i had a quote from when we got ours installed for a 6kwh and even factoring in the 2 years inflation, i believe the noise he made was w00t!
Well, I tried using my new funnels with a spice jar...
They are, as you rightly said, quite small. I'd just never imagined funnels that small!
Those may be for dolls or for filling tiny jars / cremation memorial jewellery
Maybe it's for filling little soy sauce fishies...
Those would be for decanting perfume
Maybe you need to make a lego kitchen with teeny tiny spice jars that need filling. Or make and furnish a dolls' house. Just to make sure they don't go to waste.
This afternoon is playing all the LPs I haven't listened to yet.
This one I bought without knowing what or who but it just looked interesting. I lolled and lolled when I heard it. It's old tv music.
Huh. For years I've wanted to know what that piece was!
It's also the theme to the Red Skelton Show. I grew up watching that. 😊
all my records are sounding crackly because of the dry air from the heating
Removing and rebuilding this 10m long retaining wall is a bit harder than I thought. 1m down 9m to go!
Digging a metre down found a bunch of mysterious old ceramic pipes (which seriously don't move) that would've been there since 1914 (when the place was built). This place used to be a double block and had a tennis court before it was sub-divided waay back (1950's-ish). Starting to think it was part of the plumbing for a little bougie tennis viewing / outhouse thing.
Sort of conjures up romantic images. Sunny Sunday arvo in spring, everone dressed in their finest cheering on, looking crisp, sipping champagne.
These days though it's someone arse up in the air, coinslot not leaving much to the imagination, digging dirt out of a ditch with their hands (too tight for a shovel) trying to get shit level wearing trackies and a t-shirt.
Er have you heard of tool libraries?
Nevermind, I read that as the wrong tight
What a real good luck-bad luck rollercoaster. Got to leave work early and had a good run of traffic... stayed too long on High St while at MKS and got a fucking $200 fine... ugh
Anti-gratitude thread
Took me half an hour to find a parking spot at uni. Also been very irritable lately. Just wanna feel neutral and calm and at peace. It's a battle.
Does anyone have any idea what to use a really tiny funnel for? I apparently misjudged scale on these ones and they are about the width of my fingernail 🤣. I have three of them!
Finally arrived. A few thing a bit dodgy that I might return, but mostly looks pretty good. I'm very impressed by the cross stitch kits - stamped patterns have come a long way, these are all really clearly marked square by square, the ones I remember from years ago were horrible to work with because you had to make a lot of guesses about which colour to use for all the stitches where two colours joined. Given that these kits were mostly around $3-$4 they are amazing - some include an embroidery hoop, and one has a pair of thread cutters as well.
Now I need to go through all the various hemming tapes and things and make sure I know what everything is.
The universe must have been listening about my over-ordering of sticky tape because it seems to have been missed.
Looks like NAB internet banking is down. Hope no one needs to access their accounts tonight!