The U.S. Wanted to Knock Down Huawei. It’s Only Getting Stronger.
The U.S. Wanted to Knock Down Huawei. It’s Only Getting Stronger.
The U.S. Wanted to Knock Down Huawei. It’s Only Getting Stronger.
I am getting the feeling that most here refused to read the article, so this chart should help clear things up
Is it? Last I heard most of North America and Europe has committed to removing all of their Chinese networking hardware.
And as we all know North America and Europe equal to the world, and WSJ is a CPC propaganda outlet.
This is what happens when you choose to live in a bubble. But I am in a generous mood and I will grant you that North America and Europe are the world, and the rest are savage living in huts with no network infrastructure. Western companies still can't replace all the Huawei equipment and need more money to do so.
PS: the West is -15%- 12% of the world and declining ;) there's a whole world out there that doesn't share the West's sinophobia.