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Fox News host Jesse Watters thinks men who vote for women ‘transition’ to women

  • transphobes: men can't become women

    cis man: votes for a woman

    transphobes: omg you became a woman!

  • Ok. So don't vote for Majorie Tyalor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Joni Earnst, Marcia Blackburn, Kay Ivey, Kristi Noem... I can literally keep going for a very long time.

  • It seems like a stupid statement that deserves to be made fun of, which it is, but it’s also indicative of one of the dark parts of the conservative mindset. There’s the bigotry of course, but there’s another layer on top of that. It’s like, since you are obviously one of the good true Americans (a straight white male, naturally), it is beneath you to submit to being ruled by one of those “others.”

    Submission to a weak inferior sub-human leader is a weak and cowardly act. It is also an insult to your fellow nobles, so you are betraying yourself and “your people” by voting for somebody who is clearly not the right type of person.

    Repeat and reinforce this shit over years and decades, make it part of your group identity, and you get things like “better a Russian/felon than a Democrat” (because democrats love being cucks for “diverse” people obviously) and a deep-seated visceral reaction to somebody who is an other in so many ways. A woman AND multiple nonwhite races, oh my!

    Source: am straight white male who grew up in religious conservative area and had to work to shed all the tribalism and anger and negativity. (It’s part of the wider problem of so many conservatives defining their identity by the things they hate)

  • When you are too nuts for Jeanine Pirro you are too nuts

    • Oh, it depends who you're nuts against. I bet it's much easier to piss her off with rhetoric that targets what she considers to be her achievements specifically.

  • I'm running out of patience with this poison. It won't end after the election. They'll just keep doing it. There is no reasoning with them. There is no educating them. It's endless. Utterly unending. I'm really not sure how much more of it I can take.

  • I watched the video of this and it was painful how they discussed "the scientists said that?" and then all agreed in unison. it feels like they're in an echo chamber

  • ...Says the guy who appears on TV wearing makeup, with sculpted hair, and with manicured nails. Whatever dude.

    To be clear: I don't think there's anything wrong with guys having any of the things I just mentioned. Not my personal thing, but if you are a guy who likes them then more power to you. But according to Fox News, none of those things are 'manly'. So the hypocrisy of this clown is palpable.

  • Wonder what he thinks of men who choose to play female characters in games? That must be some kind of SUPER transition!